Season 6

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(On the outskirts of town, a young couple is laying inside of a tent, making out, while the lantern outside flickers on and off. Suddenly, they are startled by a loud noise in the woods)

Jessie (whispering): What was that?Male Camper: I have no idea.Jessie: Go outside and check it out. Male Camper: You go outside and check it out!Jessie(rolling her eyes): Okay...

(She unzips the tent, slowly peeks her head out and eventually approaches the lantern, which has gone off completely. After tapping it a few times, it finally comes back on)

Jessie (slowly turning around): Hey.. I got the lantern...

(Before she can finish her sentence, she sees a dark figure emerge in front of her, causing her to scream loudly. Finally, Sheriff Forbes flicks on her flashlight)

Jessie (relieved): Oh my God! Sheriff Forbes... I thought you were a serial killer.Sheriff Forbes: Worse actually, because you'll still be alive when I call your parents.

(Liz holds up an empty beer can)

Sheriff Forbes: Pack it up and strike it down.Male Camper: I'm like, for real, Sheriff Forbes.. You've got nothing better to do than bust us for a couple of beer cans? Tax money at work.

(The young couple have reached their car, still carrying the lantern with them)

Jessie: Could have been worse.. Melanie Peterson was arrested for underage drinking last week. I swear, this place is turning into that town from Footloose.Male Camper: Yeah, well let's just get out of here.

(The youg male camper slings the gear into his trunk. After he closes the lid, he looks around for his girlfriend, who is nowhere in sight)

Male Camper: Jessie?

(She doesn't respond. The only sound he hears is crickets)

Male Camper: Yo! Jessie!

(Suddenly, she falls hard from the sky and lands on the hood of the car.. then rolling off onto the ground)

Male Camper (rushing over to her and holding her in his arms): Jessie! No No No. It's going to be okay. I'll get help!

(Jessie is covered in blood, dripping from her neck and coming out of her mouth. She mumbles unintelligibly, finally saying "look up." When he looks, another dark figure pounces on him and he screams)



(The following day, Elena walks through a cemetery on the outskirts of town all on her own)

Elena (voiceover): Today was a good day. Summer is officially over and I couldn't be more thrilled.(Elena looks around quickly and enters a crypt)Elena (voiceover): Sophomore year... I guess this is the year to pick a major and start carving out your path in life. So that's what I did (lighting several candles). You're looking at the future Doctor Elena Gilbert.


(Elena, along with a dozen other students, are dressed in khakis and maroon t shirts for an internship at a hospital)

Jo: Pop quiz.. Mr. Weatherly complains of chest pain and shortness of breath. Can anyone tell me what tests we run?

(A young male student lifts his hand up, but the instructor overlooks him)

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