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I awoke to the sound of the tires. I tried to get up the best I could to see, but the chain was so short, I could barely walk a few steps.

I looked over to the side to see the truck leaning over the side of a steep hill. The back of the truck, was on the verge of falling. I moved a paw, which had a result of it tipping more.

I bit at the chain, trying to break it. I tried pulling of my collar. But that was a bad idea. The truck finally started gliding down the hill. Rocks went under the wheels, branches threatening to hit me.

Then I saw it a huge tree, I was heading right for it. I yanked and yanked and yanked. Finally my collar went over my ears. I jumped out of the back and rolled down the hill.

Hitting rocks on the way. Not big ones, but ones that would leave a bit of pain. Once I stopped rolling. I looked around. It was spinning, and blurry. I walked the best I could. My vision got better.

I saw a small town. Many trees and gardens, where in yards. I heard a man say "welcome to Walgreens.", that's what this place is called. Interesting

I wondered around for a while. Many people where smileing, I walked into a store. The smell of food filled my nose, oh food it's been so long since I last had food.

A man walked up to me. He knelt down. He looked at my dog tag. "Hi their Chance", he said. I just stuck my toung out and licked him. He laughed a fun laugh. He gave me a soft pet.

He looked concerned. "You poor girl, I can see your ribs", he said, standing up. He walked away. I sat waiting, something I have done when I could not go with Holly.

The man came back with a bowl. He set it infront of me. I pecked inside, it was chicken and gravy. I looked at him. "Go aheadv, he said with a smile.

I sniffed it to make sure it wasn't poison. Sure enough nothing smelled funny about it, so I started eating. The flavors felt so good in my mouth. After a few moment's I finished. The man was still their. I gave him a few thank you kisses. "It says on you tag that's your in the army", he said. I barked "yes".

"Come on my shift it over for the day, how about you come with me?", he said. I happily walked next to him, while we walked a few blocks. I saw a nice sized home, a light was on, it smelled great.

He opend the door, and signalled, me to come in. I walked in. I looked around. I saw a baby, and a toddler. I sat down. A woman walked in. John, who is this adorable girl, she said kneeling infront of me.

I gave her a quick kiss. Ella this is Chance the man said to the woman. The man picked up the toddler. K.C, this is Chance he said. She gave a toothy smile, and she rubbed my ears between her short fingers. I gave her a quick kiss.

Chance this is Courtney, the man known as John, said pointing to the sleeping baby. I smiled happily, not kissing the baby, because I didn't want to wake her up.

The woman called Ella, walked into another room.

"I think that in the morning we will take her to the shelter, to see if she has an owner", Ella said. The man nodded his head.

I snuggled on the rug in K.C's room. This family was kind, and very sweet, but my home is with Holly, not with the Baxters.

So I went out of K.C's room. I snuck down the hall. I saw the back door, it was unlocked. I pawed at it a few times. It cracked open. I stuck my snout in it. And it opened. I ran through the small yard.

"Good bye Walgreens", I said leaving the town.

I ran into the woods. It was quite. I layed down on the grass, and let sleep take over.

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