Peaceful Moments

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Hi everyone! 💕
It's almost midnight in a few minutes here, so I decided to post another chapter. The last story of 2020.
I just want to thank you all for the support on my stories, I really appreciate it. And I want to wish you all the best into the 2021, which will hopefully be a better year than this one. Love you so much! ❤️


After the long day of visits, Stefani and Bradley could finally have a peaceful moment to themselves. Just them, and their daughter.

When Bradley sent everyone the pictures of their little one, his phone was blowing up with lots of texts and calls right away. Everyone was so excited and Natali was the first one who came for a visit, running into the room as if her life depended on it. After her, Stefani's parents and Bradley's mom came too, and all their reactions were priceless. They haven't stayed for too long, because they wanted Stefani to rest and enjoy some alone time with little Ally. But everyone agreed that this was the best Christmas gift they could have ever received.

"How are you feeling, baby?" Bradley put a strand of Stefani's hair from her face, looking lovingly at her. He was extremely proud of her.

"Very tired, but on the other hand, I don't want to sleep.. I just want to watch this precious little angel for the whole night. Can you believe she's already here, with us?" Stefani looked down at the tiny baby sleeping in her arms, making the cutest noises she's ever heard.

"I still cannot believe it. Everything feels like a dream." Bradley smiled, squeezing Stefani's hand.
"I'm probably saying this for the thousandth time this day, but I'm so proud of you, Stefani.. you were so strong, you did perfect."

"I couldn't have done that without you, B. If you weren't there to encourage me, I would've probably given up." Stefani admitted, looking deeply into his eyes.

In that moment, Ally smiled in her sleep and Stefani couldn't handle the cuteness of the tiny human. The precious tiny human they have created together with Bradley.

"Oh my god, look at that little smile.."

"She looks exactly like you, darling. She's a mini Stefani." Bradley chuckled, observing the little one's features. "Her eyes are big and beautiful like yours, she definitely has your lips, oh, and your nose, too.." He said, and the last statement made Stefani laugh.

"I think she has a lot of your features too, B. She's a perfect mix of both of us." She smiled and Bradley kissed her forehead.

"I have to say that we do make beautiful babies, Stef." He murmured and Stefani giggled.

"With that, I have to agree."

They have been watching their little angel sleep for another couple of minutes, and Ally then began waking up, slowly opening her eyes.

"Oh, look who's awake.. hi, sweet pea." Stefani smiled at the little girl and then began nursing her, which made tears well up in Bradley's eyes once again. That day was literally an emotional rollercoaster, for both of them.

"My beautiful girls, I love you so much." He rested his head on Stefani's shoulder, looking lovingly at their precious angel in her arms. He gently stroked the little one's belly and Ally then suddenly wrapped her tiny hand around Bradley's pointer finger, which made both of them smile widely.

"We love you, too."

When Stefani finished nursing Ally, Bradley could see that she was very tired and wanted her to rest. Even though she said she wouldn't be able to sleep that night, she slowly began to doze off.

"Darling, I can change her diaper, you rest, okay? This was such a long and tiring day for you.." Bradley kissed her temple and slowly took little Ally out of her arms.

"You're a sweetheart, B.. thank you. But I probably won't be able to fall asleep." Stefani said and yawned afterwards.

"Don't worry, baby. If anything happens, I will let you know, I will stay up. But look, she's so calm.. she wants her mommy to rest, too." Bradley smiled, changed Ally's diaper and then took her back in his arms.

He then began rocking her slowly in his arms, while humming the melody of Shallow, which in a few moments made both of his loves fall asleep. He kissed the little one's forehead, put her in the crib and then made his way towards Stefani, taking her hand and kissing it gently.

"Sweet dreams, mommy."

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