Chapter II

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A/N: the image attached to this chapter is beautifully created by my friend Trunksi on DeviantArt. I would like to thank her for taking the time to make this awesome image of Piers specifically for this chapter. That was so generous of her. So, I hope you like this image and would also enjoy reading the continuation of this story.

Chapter 2

        I fluttered my eyes open and squinted at the white light that shone through the window, blinding my vision. I blinked few times as I stared at the blank ceiling above me, trying to study the features of the small, unfamiliar room. I stirred in the bed over which I was lying and I winced at the pain that followed. My body hurt all over: from my head, to my shoulders, my arms, my sides, and especially my back. Why did it hurt so much? I did not know… I couldn’t recall a thing!

        I turned my head to the side and my eyes fell immediately on the person who was sitting on a chair next to the window, leaning his head against the window’s frame and letting his heavy eyelids conceal the wondrous brown color of his orbs. I watched as his chest moved slowly up and down in sync with his slow breathing, and I couldn’t but gaze in wonder at the peaceful features of his tired young face. A blush found its way to my cheeks as I allowed my eyes to delight in his sleeping visage and a small smile brushed against my lips while I gazed deeper at the handsome ace. I was glad I got the chance to scrutinize him as protractedly, for I – in everyday scenarios – would usually tend to steal a few glances of him, avoiding being caught gazing at him. It would put me in some truly embarrassing situations. But now, with his eyes closed, I could admire his form without being caught or criticized.

        I raised my head from the pillow and hauled myself up with my sore arms, attempting to sit straight over the mattress. A tiny yelp escaped my throat as the pain resurfaced with the smallest movements I executed, but it appears that it was sufficient to wake Piers from his slumber. “_______, you’re awake!” He said, groggily.

        I looked back at him, detecting the hint of surprise in his now opened eyes. He stood up from his chair and neared the side of the bed. He took hold of my arm with one hand while his other one placed itself over my back and he helped me into a sitting position. I sighed heavily as I rested my back steadily against the headboard. Piers stepped back and examined me: “How are you feeling?” He asked quietly.

        “I… I guess I’m fine.” I replied, but the pained grimace on my face said differently. A sudden shiver rushed through my body as the cold ambiance of the room greeted my skin. I pulled the thin sheets back over my chest and hugged myself with my arms, attempting to save the scarce warmth that had left from dispersing into the freezing air. The sound of rustling fabric caught my ears and I looked, seeing Piers had taken off his thick jacket and I was really surprised when he had moved closer to hang the warm garment around my shoulders. I was flattered at feeling his warmth, which was trapped inside the jacket, fusing with my own. “It’s snowing outside.” He informed me. Apparently, he did not know what else to say.

        Abashed, I lowered my gaze and held tightly onto the jacket: “Thank you.” I muttered. Piers turned away and took his previous place on the chair. I tucked a thin lock of hair behind my ear then I addressed him: “What happened?”

        “You don’t remember?” He asked monotonously, leaning with his elbows on his thighs. I shook my head in the negative. He let out a sigh and lowered his head, looking at the ground beneath him while intertwining his fingers together. “No doubt…” he uttered, “you’ve been out cold for two days now.”

        “Two days?!”

        Piers nodded. He turned his sight back to me and began: “Our team was reconnoitering the area after receiving some information about the use of bio-weapons by the rebels. It was... you, myself and Capt. Redfield. We went into that old building and…”

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