Chapter 6

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Mitch and Annika walked back into the house hand in hand. "When do we leave?" Mitch asked with his usual emotionless face. Irene and Stan looked at him questionably before Irene said "Tonight. You'll take a plane to Los Angeles where you'll get a car. From there you'll drive to Beacon Hills. You should be there by nightfall."

With that they separated. Irene went back to her office, Stan worked on his guns, Mitch worked on his shooting and knife throwing skills, and Annika went over the case a bit more to get some more information on the suspect and such. After a bit Mitch and Annika worked on combat.

A while later it was nighttime and after some goodbyes Annika and Mitch were off to Beacon Hills.


Annika and Mitch were in the car for an hour after there plane ride and they had just passed the Beacon Hills sign. As they passed through the streets of Beacon Hills, everywhere Mitch looked brought up a memory of his past.

Memories of playing with Scott in the play ground. Memories of getting curly fries with his dad for a stake out. Memories of driving in his Jeep. Memories of meeting his old friends at the loft. Memories of their adventures in high school.

Everything in the town brought something back to Mitch's mind and he wasn't sure he liked all of the memories he had buried all those years ago coming back to the surface. He like the idea of being with his friends and family again, all smiling like nothing ever changed. But that's all it ever was, an idea, and now that idea could actually come true.

Mitch didn't want to believe it because then it would give him hope, and he learned a long time ago hope doesn't get you anywhere so he pushed the thoughts and memories to the back of his mind and ignored them, focusing back on the road.

They just arrived at the motel they'd be staying at, checked in, and were now in a one queen bed room going over what they were going to do to stop the target. "Annika as far as I can remember Derek Hale is no bomber. He's not that kind of guy."

"How do you know? Did you know him?" "We had a complicated relationship but I'd call us friends. Trust me if anyone was ever slightly capable of a bombing it'd be his uncle Peter but I don't think he'd do something like."

"Mitch you know I trust you but you haven't seen these people in almost three years. A lot can happen in that time, people change. You know that more than anyway." Annika pointed out. "I know that but I also know these people. We've been through too much together for me to be wrong about them and almost never wrong."

"Almost. And anyway if it's not him then who would it be?" Mitch thought for a second and sighed "I don't know but then that means we have to see them and ask them some questions." Annika nodded. "I guess we'll go tomorrow, they'll all be together at Sheriff Stilinski's house."

They nodded at each other and got ready for bed, both with a gun tucked under their pillow. It took Mitch almost two hours to finally get some sleep because his mind just wouldn't stop racing with questions and assumptions on what tomorrow's events will be.

'Are they gonna be happy?'

'How is my dad doing?'

'They're all gonna hate me.'

'I should've stayed gone.'

And then one particular thought came to his mind right before his eyelids got too heavy was 'Should I tell Annika about the supernatural?'


Mitch and Annika woke up the next morning and got ready. Both in black t-shirts that hugged their bodies. Mitch's made the muscles he had stand out even more and Annika's making her curves more noticeable.

They had black pants on and both had boots, all black. They put their jackets on and headed out to their car. When they got in Mitch started it and headed for the Stilinski household. Annika sensed Mitch was nervous so she took ahold of his hand.

Mitch relaxed at this but was still nervous about what would happen. As he drove through the town towards his old home he thought about the times he had with the pack, with his dad. He remembered the first time the pack faced a threat together. He remembered the feeling of loneliness and guilt when he was possessed.

Mitch tried to focus on the more not so happy memories so he could distance himself from his past and not get attached again. He'd spent so long away, forgetting the memories and people that he had grown up with. He'd forgotten what it was like to have someone to care for and someone who cares for you.

He only just started remembering, thanks to Annika but if he saw everyone again, all at once, he wasn't sure how he would react. No one spoke in the car, only the occasional reminiscing on past missions and events.

They were only a few minutes away from the house when Mitch took a deep breath in. His nerves spiked just at the sight of the house and Annika noticed. As they parked outside of the house, along with all the other cars already there, Annika turned to Mitch.

"Hey. Look at me." she said in a calm voice. Mitch turned to her and to anyone else it would seem that he still had the same emotionless face as he did all the time but to those who new Mitch could see the nervousness in his face.

Any emotion he had was there but it only showed to those he knew or those who looked for it, even then you'd have to look hard. "It's gonna be fine-" "You don't know that." "I do because I know that they'll get over whatever initial feeling they have and in the end be happy that you've come back."

Before Mitch could protest, which she knew he would do, she said "And even if they don't, you still have me. And you have Stan. And you have Irene. We are your family now. Wether you like it or not." She said with a smile. A kind smile that was only reserved for him, not even Irene and Stan had seen the kind smile she was showing him right now.

Mitch let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and gave a grateful smile towards Annika. Not many people got to see that smile, so the ones who did should consider themselves honored. "Thanks." was all he said before leaning over and kissing her on the lips.


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