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maddie and lucy sat on their beds, playing a card game to pass the time.
"how long has it been?" maddie asked for the tenth time.
"fifty-seven minutes." lucy replied without checking her watch.
"they said an hour."
"i know."
"it'll probably come soon."
"you have any twos?"
"go fish."
maddie's phone buzzed, and she grabbed it in record time.
"it's an email! from them!"
she quickly opened the email and raced to read it while lucy jumped over to sit next to her.

maddie franklin,
the casting team at mean girls on broadway would like to call you back for the final round of auditions for cady heron. please be at the studio at nine thirty in the morning tomorrow.
wear something similar to cady's sneaker heels in fearless. photo attached.
thanks for coming out to audition!
the mean girls on broadway casting team

the photo attached was of erika henningsen pointing down at her shoes as she stood on top of a lunch table.
"shit." maddie muttered. "i knew i should've brought those along."
"you underestimate me, maddie." lucy grinned as she walked over to her suitcase and pulled out a pair of maddie's shoes. they were almost identical to the ones in the picture.
"i know you'd need them."
maddie gasped. "you're a lifesaver. i love you, lucy rhodes." she tackled her friend in a hug, which made her giggle incessantly.

"our story begins across the globe, in africa, africa!" grey yelled, making way for erika to come onstage.
maddie got immediate butterflies in her stomach. that could be her. soon enough, she could be cady heron on broadway.
it was enough to make her heart beat out of her chest.

lucy dragged her best friend along down the sidewalk. "come on, we have to get there first!"
"oh, my gosh, lucy, what if becca comes out and she recognizes me? that'll be so weird!"
"that would be so cool!" she said as the arrived at the barriers by the stage door. a few minutes passed, and a couple ensemble boys filtered out, then grey, and then krystina, and a few more cast members. lucy and maddie took pictures with all of them and got all their autographs signed. to maddie's relief, becca didn't come out.
"you getting in the spirit? getting ready to perform on that stage?" lucy bumped shoulders as they walked back to their hotel.
"don't jinx it, lucy." maddie giggled. "nothing's promised."
"alright, alright, i won't." she smiled. "but i can already see you up there."
"strangely, i can too."

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