Chapter 1

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Maya ❤️💋

I drove home around 1 a.m I was so tired from today like this have been the most tiring day today. I think they gonna need to find someone because I can't do it tomorrow. I locked up my car and walked into my home. It was Nice and Warm feeling when I walked in. I took my boots off at the door and walked up the stairs into my room.

"Hey Baby". I said undressing my self.

"Wassup how was your day?".

"Uhh Long and Hard and I'm super hungry but I want sleep". I said putting my pajamas on.

"Come lay down,I'll make you something". He said getting up.

"Thank You Baby don't forget the A--

"Apple Juice I know bae".

I smiled then got in bed,I took his phone off the dresser and put in 7143 he need to take his password off I already know it and everytime he change it he tell me but I got on I just like putting it on. I checked his Inbox and Email I seen girls texting him he didn't even opened them.. Ohh look like he got a promotion. After doing my detective work I played Trivia Crack until Jacob came back.

"Here eat up".

"You cooked this?". I said looking at everything.

"Yeah I got off earlier decided you should come home with a hearty plate".

"Thank You Baby". I said digging in.

I played the game and ate my food.. I hate I'm always at work instead of being home with my baby, I tell him everytime I can quit and get another job but he insist I don't do that but I should be a housewife and not coming home at 1 a.m. I got out of bed and put my plate in the dish drain and went back upstairs and turned the light off.

I got under the covers and put my head on Jacobs chest and watched KatePlusMy8 or whatever. I wouldn't be mad or sad right now If I had kids I haven't talked to over with Jacob but he will be cool with it I mean we do have money,big house,happy and Healthy relationship.. I mean I'm completely stable right now. Jacob is a Lawyer and I'm a Officer/barber so yeah.

"I love you Jacob". I said pecking his lips.

"I love you too Maya".

And with that I was knocked out..


"You a cute ass officer,you know that?". Trayvion said.

"Trayvion how many times do I have to show my ring to you".

"I was giving you a compliment baby..lemme get some candy".

I gave him a pack of gummy bears and walked with him down the steps.

"What is you in here for?".

"Drug Charges and Domestic Violence".

"So you beating on Women?".

"Nah she faked all that I pushed her a little and left".

"That's messed up".

"Yeah imma get out in 6 years".

"Let's go outside so I can whoop your ass in Basketball".

"Alright you wish".

I went outside and seen the guys playing so I went to the lower hoop.

"Trayvion if I lose what you do you want".

" I want you to give me some gum,snickers,and some type of juice".

"Alright I gotchu".

"Maya if you win I can't give you nothing".

"It's okay I will feel happy just beating you".

"Alright let's go".

He took off his shirt causing me to get distracted maybe because it been 2 weeks since me and Jacob had sex but I'm not a hoe that need another man to have sex with, I got one right at home.

We got the game started,I don't know what is wrong with me because I ain't start out strong but he his. We was mumbled a few words to each other,I stood there and dribbled the ball I was thinking of a best move to hit on him and steal the around. I just pranced around him and stole it like that...


"You win,You win". I said catching my breathe.

"Ha told you".

"I got you tomorrow".

I walked back in the building and seen my dad talking to a few people, he motioned me to come towards him.

"Go up to my office young lady". He said sternly.

I gulped a little,he never ever talked to me like that I walked down the hallway into his office after I sat down he came in soon after locking the door.

"I heard you are having a relationship with one of these dirty dogs". My dad said Facing me.

"What? Dad how could you believe one these Officers in here? I am happily married with my man you really think I could go that low". I said getting offended.

"Just make sure I don't hear about it again,you can have the rest of the day off I will pay you". He said typing something on his computer.

I got up and stormed out,how can he just say that? I always play basketball with the boys,I stomped down the steps causing everyone to stare at me,I just rolled my eyes and drove home.


I got out my Hot Shower and put my Yoga Pants and T-shirt. The house was already clean I didn't need to nothing I got my lasagna in the oven,I cut the heat on a little and sat down on my couch and opened a Jet Magazine and turned on my television. I heard the front door slam and I looked down the long hallway and seen him taking his shoes off.

"You off this early?". He said walking over towards me kissing my jawline.

"Yeah,go get comfortable and come down her with me,dinner should be done in 5 min".

"Alright baby".

I got up and pulled out my garlic Bread and put it on top then took out my Homemade lasagna. Gotta remember i gotta buy Trayvion stuff before work tomorrow.

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