I left him not wanting to, but my sister was waiting and so I had to run. When I reach to where my sister the first thing she said was:
-Sorry I... got... distraaac... ted- I said while taking a breath
-Yeah, and I was the fool that think smoething happend to you while drinking coffee- she said in a sarcatic way
-Well, sorrry for wasting your presious time- I said starting to get mad
-Is all right let's get home before mom uses a destroction spell- She said while laughing
-Ok- I said
We got in the car and ride their for an hour and all we saw was woods, woods and more woods. At last we got to are "wondeful" home. Mother was in front pf the door like she was going to make a death spell. I got out of the car and started talking:
-Why did you skip school Marina Elizabeth Moreno-
-I needed time to think- I said looking down
-Think about what- she asked
-Of myself, my life and other stuff- I answer
-Oh thought that you were going to say him- she said calmy
-Mother, I'm not going to deny the feeling that I have for him- I said loudly
-You're youst too young- she said
-Youst to young, the thing that bugs you is that I love...-I said and she raise her hand
-Hushhhh... child, we have more important things than this discusinon- she said smiling
-More impotant things?. But we're having a discusion or not?! Mom!!!- I replaid
She gave me the back and open the door. We entered I sensed the prencence of wet dog with a hint of woods then I said:
- What's this insicnificant creature doing here?- I asked
-That insicnificant creature as you call it is our key to victory in the war. You're uncle Manuel that is my right hand in the witch cort he went to the woods and invited the werewolf today todiscuss an alliance to defeat our enemy in comon- she answer
-So you want to kill the vampires?- I asked
-No my dear, I want to destroy them- she said with a evil look

Called by blood
VampireHi, my name is Zack Garcia and I'm a vampire in a body of a teenager I have felt in love with my lab partner Marina Moreno. But I hope that she never found out my secret but I want to found out her secrets...