I went to school in my gray T-shirt, my black jeans and my black converse and then Marina appeared and said
- Come with me I have to show you something-
- What is it?- I ask
- I'm not gonna tell you, you will have to go with me and see- she said laughing
I went with her to are special place and she said
- Here we are, Zack meet my older sister Isabel-
- Hi there Zack, Marina have talk a lot about you- Isabel said
- She did didn't she but nice to meet you Isabel- I said
The ring rang and I needed to leave but before I leave Isabel said
- Zack today your invited to our family dinner-
- Are you crazy!- Marina said
- Why not, the topic is winter magic so be sure to come in white or gray- Isabel said
- Ok then- I said
- Perfect and don't worry about the food I'll take care that they put blood in your cup- Isabel said gladly
- Ok...- I said with a little shame
The day past so fast because I was so scared that the mother of Marina knew that I'm a vampire and not a normal person. So I ran home and got dressed then Kasy came to visit me at my cave and said curiously.
- Where you're going handsome?-
- To Marina's house for dinner- I said
- Are you nuts?- She yelled
- No, they invited me besides Marina said that she has a plan- I answer
- Ok then, but be careful- she said
- I will- I replied
I got out of my cave and go as fast as I can. When I got there I never seeing something like that the house turned into a beautiful mansion with a lot of lights and stuff. I didn't come in because I was to nervose that I was going to run out of there but I didn't - for Marina- I said in my mind.
--------------Inside Marina's house-------------
- Isabel I think Zack is here is the potion ready- I said
- Almost finishing it just need a little of this and vuala it's done- Isabel said
- At last let me give it to mom and the others- I said
- No way, mother is going to find out is a trap but I know who can do the job- she said
- Who?- I ask
- Our little sister Vanessa- she said
- Right- I said
So we talk with Vanessa and she agreed. She went all over the living room giving the potion to everyone in the room.
---------- Outside where Zack is thinking ---------
I went and ring the bell and she open the door she was like a snowflake with that white dress and then she said
- Attention everybody I want you all to meet my boyfriend Zack Garcia-
At first every one stare at me like I was a alien or something but suddenly everyone went to me and give me a hug even her mother came and give me a hug and that night seem that it was the perfect night for now.

Called by blood
VampireHi, my name is Zack Garcia and I'm a vampire in a body of a teenager I have felt in love with my lab partner Marina Moreno. But I hope that she never found out my secret but I want to found out her secrets...