i hate my life

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I hate my life because I get beat on for speaking my mind even if I'm right I still get beat on like what do I have to do to just get beat on. But even if I start acting like my foster mom or her daughter I will get no respect if i change but I don't have to change because theres nothing wrong with me its something wrong with them they don't like who I am because they don't like who they are or who they became a 'monster'. And my mind they will always be a monster if they can't respect me they can't even respect they self. That's how I see it in I don't care because right about know I will start speaking my mind  because even if I speak or not. I will still get beat on so dear diary Right about now I just want to run away far far far away from here I want to go some where I will be appreciate it some where I can be loved or learn how to love. I going to run away because I don't belong here in this house

   Dear diary I was looking back at what I wrote the first time I might run away for real because I  packed all my things I need and just run run run like the gingerbread man you can't caught me I'm the gingerbread man or I will run like that boy on that movie forest gump run forest run forest I might be like him I will run without looking back at this part of a so called roof or home. When I run I might meet the happiest point of my life. Because I will be free away from trouble away from abuse away from being unloved.Thanks diary for keeping all my secrets or as I can say mind thoughts I wrote all of this to say good bye

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