Is this really love

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On my way to school this boy name Logan came up to me.
Are you faith he asks
Yes that me
Oh okay I was wondering if you wanted to go out to the movies with me someday
OK Logan yes I have to go I hurry up and said before the monster see me talking to someone.
The next morning I was thinking about Logan why would he ask someone like me out to the movies this might be a set up I don't want to get hurt again but I don't want to get hurt by a boy I been hurt to many times in life.
I heard a rang from the doorbell the monster answered it oh hey Logan why are you here she asks
Oh hey ma'am I'm here for faith
Faith why are you here for faith Logan
I want to take her out to the movie I'll make sure she gets back home safety. Okay Logan she replied faith faith you have a date I hear her calling
I ran downstairs to see Logan stand there then she came up to me saying you can go but if you tell him anything else I will kill you do I make myself clear. I replied back saying yes ma'am

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