The man

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Her fist lay black and blue crooked and entangled, fingernails torn off the book ripped to shreds.

"Hey sir,I understand why you are here but where are we going?" "you'll see when you get there" these words confused the young girl, but she carried on walking his pace changing from a slow stroll to a brisk pace tread. "Now remember darcie no laughing no shouting and especially no speaking out of terms" the child nodded in agreement.

Fighting for survival Carly pulled along,bloody hands scraping fighting to find the book squelch,crack "AGGH" the girl screeched in agony, "get off of me you pig!" 'Awh now coco, no need to raise your voice' the old man raised an eyebrow smirking with his withered torn lips. The man bent down wittingly pressing on her crushed hand "AHH,GET OFF!" The girl spat,slowly but steadily he raised the rifle to the bridge of her nose "do it!"she scoffed 'bang'.

"Hey howl" , "yea,darcie" "you recon ma will remember me I mean it's been years she's always loved you,me not so much hey what about Carly how's she been?!" Howl looked down to his scuffed boots and sighed "she's dead" "dead?! Howl how can you say that Carly was strong she would never die YOU KNOW THAT!" The girl had despair but anger in her voice she knew something was up but also knew it wasn't her place to speak out "suicide" he eventually spat out, she looked at his sorrowful eyes and saw his pain "you know that isn't true don't you" it can't be true I know it's not it can't be true!

This was to much for small and frail darcie-mae the daughter of a witch the sister to a sick and twisted girl. How would she know that this was only one of her many Gruelling tasks.

"Mother" "mae" the two women shared a brief look then moved on "father!" the girl cried she knew this was her final meeting with her father before her time in solitude "look at you darcie all grown up,oh and what's this a new hair cut?" He proclaimed. "Well yes the games master said that the length was too long and was an obstruction" "oh"her father said.

The old man dragged her lifeless body down the sand and rocks cracking and scraping his boots huff,hgmf "stupid girl" 'should have stayed in your hospital bed' "see what you've done!"

'Sir Howl?,howl!' The girl yelled out 'still no answer?' Her eyes searched the dark he was no where to be seen. From outside,the house was a beacon of terror dim lights flickering in the distance black rusted metal bars surrounding a tall cherry blossom tree in the center of the hell hole. This was the one thing the young girl enjoyed about her home watching it sway in the cold breeze late at night this was a sight to never forget.

A large pond filled with koi fish stood in the corner of the garden they where beautiful and majestic fish ,two of these koi fish where the Ying yang pair one symbolising light 'howl' the other darkness 'darcie'

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A large pond filled with koi fish stood in the corner of the garden they where beautiful and majestic fish ,two of these koi fish where the Ying yang pair one symbolising light 'howl' the other darkness 'darcie'.

"Goodbye ole pal" mother always said I would end up abandoning everything I love well maybe I am but I'm doing this to protect what's left of this family even if they don't appreciate it "hello lucifer" an enormous white and black dog with sad lar...

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"Goodbye ole pal" mother always said I would end up abandoning everything I love well maybe I am but I'm doing this to protect what's left of this family even if they don't appreciate it "hello lucifer" an enormous white and black dog with sad large black eyes strutted up to the girl this dog had experienced the world you see and knew what was coming but could never manage to show what needed to be seen by the ones who could hear they had the right to change but didn't.

This was tricky to finish as it's just about after six in the morning please let me know if anything I have said has offended you please let me know so I can change it 🙃

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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