almost whole again

794 33 56

Suna's POV

I saw Y/n get yanked back into her house, I rushed out the car as fast as possible.


I screamed at her dad. Startled by my loud outburst he let go of Y/n's hair and she ran towards me with her stuff in her hand.

"Y/n get behind me"

she did as she was told and hid behind me. She grabbed onto the back of my shirt, "please.... don't let him near me" hearing the fear in her face broke me and made me furious. "Y/n come back here!" her dad yelled while coming closer to us. I was sick of this asshole I pushed him away from us with all my strength,

"hurry get in the car"

I told Y/n while grabbing her stuff then getting in the car, I started the car and rolled down my window flipping her dad off.


I watched Suna as he flipped of my dad I laughed to myself, I hadn't laughed in a while and I was glad it was because of him. It was pretty late outside so I decided to take a quick nap before we got to Suna's place.

(Suna lives' by himself in this story so yea)

Suna's POV

I parked the car in front of my apartment and looked at Y/n fast asleep. I chuckled to myself. I unbuckled my seatbelt then got out of the car, I walked over to Y/n's side and opened her door. I unbuckled hers then picked her up bridal style.

I walked to my apartment door and kicked it open with my foot, then I placed Y/n in my bed. I left her there so I could grab all her stuff from the car.


I woke up in a dark grey bed, my mind was pretty foggy then it all hit me.

"Im at Suna's house"

I got out of his bed and obsevered his room is was pretty clean and it smelt like weed of course. I opened the door and saw him on the couch with all my stuff next to his foot. He looked back at me with a soft smile then gestured for me to sit next to him. I slowly walked over to him and sat next to him.

"yes?" I asked him once I sat down.

"I made you some food its in the microwave" he said while putting my head on his shoulder then playing with my hair.

"you can get it whenever, just don't wait to long I don't want it to get cold"

I nodded and just melted into his embrace. He felt so warm, I didn't want to get up yet. Even though I was starving, I hadn't ate since school's lunch which was hours ago. His touch was just too addicting. My stomach started to grumble and Suna heard it, he softly laughed then got up. I pouted a bit because of it but I instantly stopped when he brought my food to me.

"eat up" he said waving the fork in front of my face.

"You really don't have to, the least I can do is feed myself after everything you've done for me" I said trying to reach for the fork.

"no, you've been through a lot today and I really don't mind"

I was to tired to fight with him so I just sighed and opened my mouth. He smiled then shoved the warm food into my mouth.

"holy shit" I said while chewing his delicious food. "where'd you learn to cook like this?" I asked him.

"oh this, its really nothing but I am self taught" he said bragging a bit. I rolled my eyes and laughed at him, he laughed too.

"I like seeing you laugh" he said with a slight blush on his cheeks. I had no idea what to say back so I just looked away. "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I thought to myself, extremely flustered.


After Suna finished feeding me I grabbed some clothes from my bag of stuff then went to the bathroom to take a shower. I took my clothes of then looked at myself in the mirror for a second. Bruises, scars, cuts, even some burns were all over my body. I cried a bit then got in the shower. The warmth of the water felt nice but it didn't compare to the warmth Suna's body gave mine. I got out the shower and put a white tank top and shorts on. I realized that Suna had only seen my wear long sleeves and jeans so he was going to see all my scars and stretch marks. I was a so nervous just thinking about it, I knew I wouldn't be able to just go in him room and have him stare at me.

"um Suna can you bring me a blanket?" I said behind the door.

"yeah give me a sec"

Suna cracked the door open a bit and handed me the blanket. I thanked him then wrapped the blanket around myself to make sure he didn't see my body.

Suna's POV

She came out the bathroom with the blanket draped around her body. She walked over to the bed and sat down next to me. I could tell she was upset because she was tightly holding onto the blanket and she was looking down. I scooted a bit closer to her and grabbed her chin so she would look at me.

"Please Y/n.... let me help you" I said looking deeply into her e/c eyes. She then took a deep breath then slowly started to take off the blanket. She stopped for a second and tears started falling onto her cheeks. I grabbed her cheeks with both of my hands and wiped her tears away with my thumbs.

"take your time, you don't have to rush" I whispered to her. She nodded her head then waited a couple of seconds before continuing to remove the blanket. Once the blanket was completely off of her she began sobbing. I took a look at her body and dark purple bruises where everywhere. Her thighs and her arms. Cut and scars starting from her shoulder all the way down to her wrist, It hurt me so much to see her like that how could this happen to someone so beautiful and sweet.

I got off the bed and kneeled down in front of her.

"We don't have to talk about it yet, we'll talk whenever your ready" I cupped her face with my hands again, "I just want you to know that your so so beautiful Y/n don't let anyone tell you otherwise, never be insecure about your body ever, because I love every single part of you inside and out"

Everything I said was true I loved this girl, I loved y/n.

"I'm scared b-but... I th-think I love you too Suna"

I smiled then let go of her face, I kissed all of her scars, bruises, and stretch marks. Starting from her thighs and working my way up to her shoulder. I finished it off with a gentle and passionate kiss on her lips. I could feel her smiling through the kiss.

I turned off the lights, changed into some sweats and a black tank top then got into bed, Y/n doing the same. I pulled her into my chest then scratched her back.

"Please don't leave" she whispered drifting off to sleep.

"Never" I said back while kissing her forehead then drifting off to sleep myself.

Uhhhhhhh I didn't really like this chapter but it is what it is. Hope yall enjoyed tho. And if you have any request just lmk in the comments or something.

Suna Rintarou x Black readerWhere stories live. Discover now