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Suna's POV

I woke up before Y/n because I wanted to surprise her a little for our one month anniversary. I decided to make her breakfast in bed, I wanted to keep it pretty simple because I had something big planned for us later in the day. I carefully moved Y/n off me then got out of bed, I just put on a white t-shirt since I already on some sweatpants on. I walked to the kitchen and got to work. I made us Bacon, eggs, toast, waffles, hash browns, and then cut up some of her favorite fruits and squeezed some orange juice. I put it all on a tray then walked back to our room. I kicked open the door with my foot carful not to drop the food or wake Y/n up. I placed the food on my nightstand next to the bed then went over to Y/n.

"Good morning love" I whispered to her while gently peppering her face with soft kisses. Starting from her foreheard to each side of her cheeks, then to her nose and finally to her lips. I continued to do this until she finally started to wake up.

"Good morning Rin" she said while yawning then giving me a small smile with her eyes still shut. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was. Once I was done laughing I saw Y/n sniffing the air looking around the room.

"Baby whats that smel- YOU MADE ME BREAKFAST?" she asked quickly focusing her gazed to me.

"Yes angel, happy one mon-" I was interrupted by Y/n pressing her index finger to my lips and shushing me.

"I want to say it first" She said looking at me with pleading eyes.

"go ahead" I said laughing at her excitement.

"HAPPY ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY RINNNNNN!" She yelled out with the biggest smile on her face. Before I knew it she pushed me on the bed and jumped on top of me scattering her lips all over my face.

"Now lets eat!" She said getting off my lap and rushing towards the food. I got up off the bed and did the same. We sat on the bed eating together in a comfortable silence.


After we finished eating I did the dishes and Suna just stood behind me with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and his chin on top of my head. Every time I would bend down to put the dishes in the dishwasher Suna would pretend to fuck me from the back. I finally finished up and turned around to look at Suna he just looked at me with a stupid grin on his face, then proceeded to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder.

"Rin what the fuck are you doing?" I asked not even trying to put up a fight and just letting him carry me. He remained silent until we reach our bedroom and he lightly plopped me on the bed.

"Movie time!" He said sitting down on the bed next to me then pulling me closer so we could cuddle.

"What do you want to watch princess?" He asked while scrolling through Netflix.

"I honestly have no fucking idea just click on something random" I replied lying my head on his chest and intertwining our legs for more warmth. He just nodded then closed his eyes pressing the buttons on the remote randomly. He finally landed on Shark boy and Lava girl and pressed play. During the movie Suna was drawing shapes with his hand on my back and he was massaging my shoulders. I tried my hardest to stay awake and finish the movie with him but coincidently I ended up falling asleep right when Shark boy was singing to Max about dreaming.


Suna's POV

Not even halfway into the movie I heard soft snores coming from Y/n. I looked down and saw her fast asleep on my chest. "Step one make Y/n fall asleep complete" I thought while smiling to myself. I slipped from underneath her and began to get dressed.

Suna Rintarou x Black readerWhere stories live. Discover now