His Muse : Leo

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Spending time at the café has been your escape from the toxicity around you. You were sitting on the corner of your favorite café with your usual drink, a hot cappuccino, you stare outside and admire the droplets of the rain that hits the glasswall of the cafe touching it by your fingers as if you could feel it and it made you smile like a kid.

You took out the book of Lang Leav from your mini tote bag that you just recently bought when the door of the cafe suddenly swung open letting the cold breeze of air pass by and a couple who obviously got wet by the rain came in. You observed them and you smiled with how the man helps the lady dry herself, thinking how beautiful the world could be if all men in this planet knows how to treat a woman right. You can't help but snicker with your own thoughts, obviously, that thought will forever remain in your head only.

Time passes by and you finally decide to go home since it's finally getting dark and the rain had already stopped minutes ago. You called a cab and ride your way home.

You opened the door of your condo and got a little confused because the lights were already open. You took off your shoes while thinking if you just forgot to turn off the lights before you leave this morning and you clearly knew you did and it alarmed you. Being raised as a brave one, you took that safety knife you had in your bag that you got from your grandfather slowly creeping your way to the living without making any noise. Peaking in one eye you sigjt a hair of a man pops out from your couch who's probably sitting by the floor.

Who is that?! How did he get in here? And what the fuck is he doing in my living room?! You muttered to yourself. You took a deep breath to gather your strength and was about to attack the man in your living room when you suddenly heard him talk to himself while stretching his arms in the air.

"Aaaargh it's getting late. Why isn't she home yet?" Upon hearing the voice of the man, the worry you feel suddenly vanished in your system and now you feel so emotional and dropped the safety knife on the floor making it thud because of the carpet and that's when he turned around his head and saw you.

Tears started to stream on your face as you kept frozen in your place. Everything stopped and he's now walking towards you in slow motion maling your heartbeat as louder as it can beat.

"Hon.. I have been waiting for you. Where have you been? Are you okay? What's wrong? Why are you crying? And what's with the knife?" Lists of questions he asked you but none of them were able to make you speak, instead you surprised him with a tight hug sobbing on his chest. He was caught off guard and returned a hug kissing you on the top of your head.

"Sssh.. I'm here. It's me. Stop crying now okay? I know I made a mistake and made you worry so much.. but I'm here. Everything's going to be fine now." He said while running his hands up and down your back to calm you down. You slowly pulled from his hug and looked at him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're coming? You didn't even bother calling me since our fight.. I thought- I- I thought I already lost you.. Why did you have to-" He cut you off by kissing you. At first you hesitated to respond but gave in in the end.

You were both catching your breath when he ended the kiss and kissed you on your forehead.

"Stop crying now. I'm sorry for being so immature. I know I should called you after our fight but my pride took over me. I'm sorry it took me that long to come here, you know it's not that easy for me to just leave like that. But what matters most is that I'm already here. I promise I won't ever do that again. I swear to not hurt your feelings anymore. Will you please give another chance? I won't promise that I'll be a perfect man because I'm not, but I swear to give you all my best because I don't want to lose you. I love you so much y/n.. You know how much I do. Can we please make up and start over again?" He sincerely said. You can even see that in his watery eyes. You know you can't deny him. You love him as much as he loves you and that you'd both go to the ends of the world just to be with each other.

"Of course.. why wouldn't I? My conscious self would be mad at me if I didn't. Besides who am I to turn down the great Leo from VIXX." You said smiling with tears in your eyes. Your emotions are overflowing right now. Two weeks ago you both had a heated argument that caused you two to break up. You honestly did not expect him to agree with what you said when you say you wanted to break up with him. It was just a silly argument because of his work, you got jealous with his co-star in the musical he's working on with. Well, you have the right to he because the girl keeps throwing herself on your boyfriend. It happened, and what's done is done. Long distance relationship isn't really that easy to handle specially when jealousy butts in with the situation. But thinking out of the box, you're still thankful that the man you love the most flew over from Korea just to make up with you, proving how his love is pure and sincere. It is really hard to date an idol.

"Come with me to Korea." He suddenly said brushing your hair with his fingers. You didn't say anything because you were shocked.

"I'm serious. Come with me, and I'm going to tell the world that I already found my muse." He says cupping your cheeks with his enormous hands.

"But-but what about you-" he made you hush by putting his thumb over your lips.

"You have nothing to worry about. I talked with the management already about this. And they agreed with me. If things turns out well, I'm still going to continue working with them." He explained.

"And if not?" You asked. Worry flashes on your face again, you know how much he loves his job.

"Then I'll quit. If they don't want me anymore because I chose to value my personal life first then I'm done with them. It's not like they are the only ones whom I can work with. Plus, you probably forgot that I already have few businesses there. So there's really nothing to worry about." Your heart was warmed by his words. You never thought he'd end up giving up his career just to keep you.

"So?" He asked furrowing his brows waiting for you to answer.

"Okay.. I'll go with you." You said smiling.

"Yes!" He cheerfully said punching his arm in the air jumping and gave you a peck on the lips.

"You will never regret this hon. I'll make sure of it. I love you."

"And you know how much I love you so." You said before grabbing the collar of his shirt and kissed him.

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