My Real Life Prince Charming : Suho

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Made In You - Suho

*3rd Person's POV*

You were about to go to your work when all of a sudden, a shiny black expensive car stopped right in front of you. At first you didn't mind, but when you're about to step forward to make your way the windows suddenly opened.

"Are you y/n?" The lady on the back seat wearing a red lipstick says not even looking at you.

"Ye-yes ma'am.. but do I know you?" You politely replied back and tries to recall anything about the woman inside the car but you can't remember anything. You're sure that you haven't even met her before.

"Get inside the car. We need to talk." You took a step back with what she said.

Why the hell do we have to talk? I don't even know her. You said to yourself.

"I'm sorry ma'am. But I don't think we have something to talk about, I don't even know you. So if you'll excuse me, I'll be late to my work." You turn your back on her but she was able to make you stop with she said.

"Get inside the car if you still want to date my son." Your eyes went wide.

Son?? Is she.. she's.. she's Junmyeon's mother?!

Your feet got stock in shock.

"Get inside the car now because my time is too precious to be wasted."

Without any hesitation this time, you obeyed her and slowly walked towards the car.

*Your POV*

We arrived at a fancy restaurant. Junmyeon's mom hasn't spoken since I got in her shiny black car which made me feel scared and nervous at the same time.

"Take a sit." I got a bit startled when she suddenly speak. My lips aren't cooperating well with me so I just bowed my head and do what she told me to do.

"Please sit comfortably and bring your bag down. It's not like I'm going to kill or eat you or something." My eyes went wide when I heard her speak again because I swear the tone of her voice changed. It became soft and gentle unlike earlier.

"Y-yes ma'am." I almost said it like a whisper but I'm sure that she heard me well enough because I saw her smiled a little.

"I am no longer asking what you would like to eat because I already ordered our food in advance. I'm sure that you don't have any idea yet because I know my son very well. He's not the type to brag everything that his family has, we own this restaurant." My eyes automatically roamed around the VIP room of this fancy restaurant that we are in. And by the looks of it, I can assure myself that I won't be able to afford to eat here. Which made me realize how my life and Junmyeon's so different. Here goes my heartbeat again. Is this the part where his mom is going to offer me money just to stop dating his son?? My thoughts are everywhere. I knew this is going to happen someday but not this early. Junmyeon and I have been dating for almost six months and we made sure that no one sees us whenever we're together.

I remember that day we first met. I was working at one of the most prestige mall here in Korea, I'm the branch manager of Bose. I'm not expecting anything special will happen that day. But I was so preoccupied by rearranging our displays so I didn't know that I was about to bump on someone.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to step on your foot." I said bowing down my head because that's their culture here. Few seconds have passed before I heard the man speak.

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