𝟬𝟱: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻 |𝟭|

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Heiramel: the Goddes of Balnce


✦ ▬▰▬ ▬▰▬ ★✦★ ▬▰▬ ▬▰▬ ✦

Once upon a time, in a world called Elentir, had a Divine Realm and it was in chaos. In that Divine Realm, were 10 Gods that monitored the place, and on top of that, was a caring Goddes who controlled the balance of Elentir, and her name was Heiramel.

Heiramel was one of the three out of ten Gods who seeked peace in the Divine Realm, most of the gods who monitored the place hated each other. Heiramel had always did her best to maintain the peace when it came to the other Gods fighting each other.

There came a time where the God of Life, Seikifiel, had started to develop some feelings for the Goddes Of Balance. Seikifiel did his best to grab the attention of the balance God but she was too oblivious to his actions.

Heiramel was quite a beauty, she had long silver straight hair and beautiful silver eyes that reflected the Moonlight. It was no wonder she caught the attention of the God of Life, Seikifiel.

Seikifiel was also quite attractive, he managed to get the attention of the other goddesses, but he only wanted the attention of one Goddes and that was Heiramel herself.

So as time passed, Heiramel had stepped out of the Divine Realm to do her regular duty on Elentir. It was simple. . . She had to make sure everything was in balance. And as an example of balancing Elentir, was to balance the immense amount of magic power that emmited from this world.

So as she did her regular duty, she caught the attention of a demon that resided from the Underworld and this demon was on his way to cause more destruction yet again, after having caused a massacre in the demonic realm.

The demon snuck behind from the Goddes who was picking up flowers along her way, to take back to the Divine Realm and then he slashed her with a surprise attack.

But it was no surprise. . . Seeing as she stopped the attack with merely two fingers and turned around, confused, questioning herself as to, 'Why a being would subject themselves to attack her.'

A/N: Heiramel has never come in contact with a demon before, so any time she comes across a creature that she hasn't come in contact with, she would usually refer to them as beings.

The demon did not expect the Goddes to react to his surprise attack, so he jumped two steps back, to avoid any attacks she would send his way.

". . ."

After Heiramel took a closer look at the being, she turned away, unfazed and continued her duty.

The demon scoffed at her action and became annoyed. From his point of view, the Goddes had completly ignored him, something that not many beings would ignore considering that he was really well-known in both Elentir and the Underworld (Demon Realm).

"Oi. Are you ignoring me?!" The demon glared at the Goddes.

Heiramel turned around with a nonchalant facial expression, "Hmm?"

This seemed to piss off the demon even more, "I said. . . Are you ignoring me?!"

"Ignoring you?" She tilted her head.

"Tch. Don't act all dumb on me."

". . . My apologies. As you can very well see, I am in a hurry because I want to finish my duties here, so that I can return to the Divine Realm as soon as possible."

'Divine Realm?' The demon repeated that phrase in his head over and over again. Did he hear that right? Or did she say Realm, as in another place he could destroy.

"Realm you say." He narrowed his brows with a sudden interest and hidden smirk as he approached the Goddes.

Before he took the last 6 steps to reach her, Heiramel flinched and took a couple steps back because she felt a bit intimidated.

"Yes . . . Does it interest you?"

"Yes, it does." The demon was now face to face with the Goddes and he twirled her strands of silver hair.

"What pretty hair you have."

Heiramel looked up before avoiding his gaze, "W-Why, Thank you. . . Um, what pretty eyes you have."

The demon scoffed, "Me with Pretty eyes? C'mon, I scare about half of the creatures I come across with, with these so call pretty pitch black eyes."

"Right. . ."

Heiramel glanced at the demon in all nervousness, "Um. . . May I ask you a question?"

"Oh? And the princess wants to ask me a question?"

"That is if you don't mind me asking. ."

The demon had a visible smirk, "I don't mind. Ask away . . ."

That was her cue to ask what he was, "Right. What are you?"

The demon stepped away from the Goddes, deadpanning, that she did not know what he was.

"Are you serious?" His brow twitched.

"I am."

He saw how serious she was and could not believe what he was hearing. For a second there he thought she was messing around with him, but seeing her so determine to find out what he was, made him chuckle.

"How about this, You tell me what you are and I'll tell you what I am."

"Sounds fair." Heiramel reasoned.

"Huh!? That was easy. I didn't expect you to actually agree with that."

"I will keep my word and in return, I hope you will keep yours too."

"O-Oi. . . You can't expect other beings to keep there words just by merely asking." The demon sweat dropped.

"Is that not how it works?" Heiramel turned to him like a lost puppy.

The demon's heart squeezed at how innocent and adorable that was---- Wait adorable and innocent?! Since when did he start to devolp these type of emotions?! He was demon for Fucks Sake.

UNCHANGED  ─𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘆 𝗧𝗮𝗶𝗹 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗛𝗔 Where stories live. Discover now