Chapter 36

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"Where's Rachel Johnson."

"Rachel who?" Genevieve acted covering the open view of our room.

"Rachel Johnson! " the officer repeated

"She's currently occupied right now sorry, you can come around later. But thanks for stopping by." Gloria said trying to close the door but the officer tryed getting in.

"Wait, Rachel is currently dealing with a accident right now because if you werent aware there aren't any bathrooms here and there are how many girls? " Amelia said counting the girls in the room plus Emma and I. " 6 girls in here, so it's getting a bit messy in the room right now, so if you want to be haunted for the rest of you life to the menstrual accident Rachel's in, you are welcome to come in. " Amelia finished.

"Um we are very sorry ma'am have a good day and I hope you guys will be able to sort out your problem conveniently." The officer said shivering scared for his life before quickly leaving.

"Wow Amelia I didn't know you had it in you to speak like that ." Gloria said while we got out of the vent and into the room.

"Ya Thank you Amelia and everyone else who helped out." I said

"So much for appreciation," Genevieve whispered thinking I didn't hear so I shot her a glare.

"Ya well, my mom always taught that I shouldn't let any man disrepect me."

"And you even went with the period excuse, classic move." Gloria said.

"Yeah I mean it was the first thing that came to mind since I'm on my period so, I thought, why not?"

"WHAT !!!" We all said at the same time shocked.

"Ya while we were traveling I hid behind a rock and did my thing, thankfully I had the accessories I needed."

"Wow your good we didn't even know, no leak no nothing." Genevieve said.

"Thank you very much," Amelia said satisfied with the compliments .


We were now heading downstairs for dinner.

As we're getting out of the cell we caught up with the boys in front of us.

"Rachel, are you okay we heard the officers were looking for you?" Tommy came up to me.

"Aww I'm okay, don't worry, Amelia helped us out."


"Let's just say, with a smart excuse of why I couldn't go with the officer." I said before looking up to Austin who was smiling at the two of us.

"What were you guys up to?" I asked the boys.

"Absolutely nothing. I had never been so bored in my life. " Jake said

"Can you believe we can't even charge our phones. I haven't seen what my girls been up to lately. " Jerry joked.

"Hey, watch it!" Gloria said shooting Jerry with a glare.

"Wait does Gloria like Jerry?" Emma whispered to me.

"No way!" I said shocked 

"Yes way, did you see how jealous she got even though Jerry was joking." Emma said.

"Well then, operation setting them up is on the go." I said. Making Emma and I burst out laughing which made everyone look back at us.

"Nothing to see here." Emma said.


We got our food and sat on the table, which looked almost exactly like the one at the military compound.

"Hey guys have you heard anything about your parents yet?" Amelia said.

"Nope, I mean they said we'd meet them but we havent heard anything from them." Dustin said annoyed.

"I ca-n't eve-n tell the-m about what hap-pe-ned to Christina." Amelia said trying to speak but tears came out instead.

"We're here for you Amelia, we're all here for you." Chris said stretching his hand out to Amelia.

"Don't worry, once I see the officer that hurt her I'll beat him up, till he comes to his senses." Jake said.

"Woah, let's leave that to Rachel," Emma joked.

"Hey, I did boxing back in school but because now we know that Rachel's a Radiate it's understandable why she beat me up." Jake said defending himself.

"Hey, I bet I still would have won if I'm a Radiate or not." I said.

"Rachel, Austin and Genevieve you guys have to be careful please , now that they know about you guys, you're in so much danger." Amelia said

"They don't know about me though, Rachel's the first person I told. Austin said.

" Oh please, I long found out Austin. So don't you think that if I knew all this time, Uncle Dave knew too. "Lilly said.

"Wait what, we don't even stay with Dave so he can't, he would have said something or acted weird about it by now. "Austin said shocked.

" Austin, point is, you're in the same amount of danger that I am in too, so we got to stay safe." I said

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