The Beginning...

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Hi again!

So, this is the first time I am publishing something other than a fanfiction. This story is a bit different from what i usually write and i am super excited for it. It's a short story but pretty impactfull. I will upload a new chapter everyday. 

Hope you like it.

Thank you...


Angelina had lost hope. She was waiting for death to come and take her away. For four years, she had been trying to fight cancer but now she just knew that the end was near.

 She was a school going child but over the last months, she hardly stepped out of the house. Most of the time, the reason was that she wasn't well enough but sometimes she just couldn't tolerate all those pitying looks and encouraging words. Since the day her peers came to know about her health, everyone started treating her like a fragile glass. At first she was able to handle it but then her health worsened and she just couldn't do it anymore. She started ignoring and snapping at people. Her parents didn't want her to lose hope. Everyday they tried to convince her that she should make the most of her days but she ignored them. She loved them dearly, but she felt that having fun when one was going to die any second was pointless.

 On Christmas, her parents were going to the church. As always she said that she didn't want to go, but that day her parents wouldn't take no for an answer. After all, it was Christmas! She dragged herself with them and sat there for a while, uninterested. 

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