Chapter 6

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It's been a while since dio woke up, he thought of waking you up as well but he just didn't want to disturb your sleep.

Meanwhile your whole face was red and you were sweating, the mysterious guy that you always see was next to you, he had a worried look on his face.

"I must somehow let dio know that you have a fever... But how am I gonna do it if he can't see me or hear me?" he asked himself.

He soon came up with a plan, he walked away, after making sure that you'll be safe.

He soon spotted dio in the library reading.

He pushed a book down and it made a thud, dio turned around and saw no one.

Dio got up and picked up the book and placed it to where it was.

The man pushed something down again, farther away from the last one, he kept doing that until dio followed him.

"bloody hell, that was the only thing I didn't want in this house... A ghost" dio said and the man shook his head.

Soon they were outside dio's room where you slept, the man opened the door and looked back at dio.

"if you want to hurt my daughter I'll personally kill you, I don't know how but I'll make it happen" dio growled and the man rolled his eyes.

He grabbed the pillow next to you and started dragging it around and shaking it until dio decided to walk towards the pillow and throw it on the floor.

He then took a look at you and saw your red face and that you were sweating, he placed his hand on your forehead and you were burning, but then he remembered that his whole body was cold.

"Enya! Get over here quickly!!" dio yelled and soon Enya appeared.

"what is it my lord?" she asked.

"check if she's sick" he said and Enya quickly checked.

"she's burning my lord, I'll get a thermometer and some medicine as soon as possible" she said and she left.

"you" dio said.

"whatever you are... If you are here... Thank you for letting me know" he said, as much it hurt him to say those words he'll do anything for you.

The man just smiled

Soon Enya came back with a thermometer and the medicine, she placed the thermometer under your armpit and waited.

After the time was over she took it out and looked at it.

"it's almost 40°c my lord" she said.

"you can go now" he said and she quickly left.

After some hours you woke up while whining, someone quickly pulled you closer to them, you looked up and saw you father, you looked around and saw the man, you reached out to him and your father looked at you confused.

"what are you trying to touch?" he asked and you looked at him.

"friend" you simply said and he thought for a bit.

"what's your friend's name?" he asked you but you just whined.

"I should give you your medicine so your fever will go away" he said as he took the spoon and the bottle and put some of the liquid on the spoon and brought it to you.

You turned your head away while whining and kept your mouth closed.

"you won't get better if you don't take your medicine" he said as he brought the spoon closer.

"do it for your father" he said and you still didn't open your mouth.

"if your friend is here, do it for the both of us" he said, you looked at your friend and then your father and opened your mouth.

You swallowed the medicine and made a weird face, your father chuckled and then his face turned serious.

"say (y/n)... Where is your friend right now?" he asked you and you pointed at your friend.

"might as well find a way to tell him" the man said awkwardly.

Dio got up and grabbed a paper and a pen.

"I saw you can pick up and move stuff.... Write your name" he said as he sat on the bed again.

He saw the pen move and then It stopped.

The man sighed as he waited the reaction that dio would make, he saw him get up and walk over to the paper, dio's face was one of pure shock, dio looked at you and saw you looking at him.

"does your friend have blue hair and blue eyes?" he asked you and you nodded.

"how about you get some rest? I'll be back to check on you later, for now I need to go and have a talk with your friend" he said as he tucked you in and gave you your teddybear.

He then left the room while Jonathan followed behind.

They entered a room that had a table and some chairs, dio pulled a pen and some papers and slammed them on the table.

"how is it even possible that you're here?" he asked and Jonathan wrote on the paper.

'I've always been here, since the day she was born, if it weren't for me to make all those noises to scare the others you wouldn't even know that (y/n) was born'

"so you're like attached to her?" dio asked.


"where you the one that took that teddybear for her birthday a few months ago ?" dio asked.

'yes... I also kind of helped her one day to get those cookies, I couldn't help it'

"so you were responsible for her stomachaches?" dio asked.

'yeah... Sorry'

"can't you just leave me alone? Leave us alone? Even after death you're haunting me" dio said.

'well you used my body to have (y/n), in other words she's my daughter as well, there are lots of things that I warned you about without you knowing, you always thought that it was because you were just a great dad but without me being by her side she could of had bruises and scratches because she's a trouble child as you know '

"I can't say that you're lying about the last one... But I'm a great father and I can take care of her alone, I don't need the help of a filthy joestar!" dio said.

' you forgot that she's a joestar as well'

"damn you Jojo!" he said.

'I'll leave you alone for a month but if I see that you can't take care of her alone I'll have to be there and you cannot change my mind, you'll not be able to get rid of me if you fail'

"it's a deal Jojo, I guess this is my only chance to get rid of you forever" dio said as he smirked.

'if you really want to get rid of me then you have to try your best and win :)'

"I'll win for sure" dio said.

'then I'll leave right now and we'll see if I'll come back or not... I'll see you soon dio'

And with that the pen fell and dio sighed.

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