Chapter 38

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You were laying in bed all day because you got yourself sick... Somehow

Everyone made sure to visit you and say 'get well soon', even Rohan, when he entered the room Jonathan scolded him for what he did, surprisingly Rohan didn't fight back or attacked Jonathan with his stand, he just listened to Jonathan's scolding.

Josuke said when you'll get well soon that he'll invite you to his home to play video games with him and the rest.

Jolyne made you a drawing, people were treating you as if you were going to die any time soon, you had told Jotaro to keep you updated with the whole serial killer case because you wanted to help them

You were eating some soup when Jotaro entered the room, you looked at him as he pulled a chair and sat down.

"any news" you asked him.

"we had found him but he managed to get away and change his appearance" he said and you looked at him shocked.

"people can do that?" you asked

"one of our allies had a stand that could change your appearance to whatever you wanted, change your eyes, eyebrows and other stuff, apparently the enemy who's name is yoshikage kira, after the fight we had he went there, changed his appearance and killed the stand user" he said

"how did he looked like?" you asked him and he pulled out a picture, you started coughing as you looked at the picture.

"are you alright?" he asked and you nodded.

"the day me and dad went to see papa, we bumped into him, and then he looked at me and I think at my hands as well" you said and he looked at you

"that's probably because he targets women so he can take their hands, you were lucky he didn't kill you" he said

"what's his stand?" you asked him

"his stand is killer queen, if his stand touches anything it turns into a bomb and if he does this motion with his hand it'll make it explode" he said

".... I think I can help with finding him, my stand allows me to memorize people's life energies, it's a part of the life manipulation, even looking at the photo I can feel his life energy" you said

"wouldn't that confuse you? What if someone has the same life energy?" he asked

"everyone has a different life energy, no one in this world has the same energy, so I think it'll be easy to find him if you have me on your side" you said and he thought.

"since he sents stand users at us and there's a specific one that always has his eyes on us we'll need to keep your power hidden, if they find out they'll come straight for you and it's possible that they'll kill you" he said as he looked at you.

"you'll start helping us when you'll get better, don't let Jonathan know of what happened and what I told you" he said and you nodded, he soon left.

You got done with your soup and set it on the bedside table, you layed down and pulled the covers over you and closed your eyes.

You opened your eyes and saw that you were in a dream, you tried to move and you saw that you were tied on a chair and clothe was covering your mouth.

A man stood in front of you, you couldn't see his face but you could see that he was wearing a suit and he had black hair.

The door was kicked open and you saw your friends and family, they looked worried as they looked at you and then at the man.

"let her go!!" josuke said and the man chuckled.

"she's the biggest threat in my life and I need to get rid of her" the man said as he tried to touch your shoulder, you tried to pull away but you couldn't, he touched your shoulder and then squeezed it

"let her go Kira!!" Jotaro said, the man pulled out his stand, it was too dark for you to see it and you heard him chuckle.

"now without her you won't be able to find me!!" he said and you heard the sound of a switch, that's when you woke up.

"are you alright!?" Jonathan asked you, you looked around and saw that you were still in the hotel room, you touched your cheeks and they were wet.

"you were sobbing in your sleep, what happened?" he asked you as he sat down.

"I.... Call Jotaro here I need to tell him something" you said and he nodded and left

'if he really has that appearance then... We'll find him easier, but the problem is the face' you thought and then you looked at the door as it opened, Jotaro and kakyoin walked in.

"long time no see (y/n), is everything alright?" he asked, you looked at Jonathan.

"can you please wait outside?" you told him and he left.

"what did you want?" Jotaro asked.

"I saw a dream, I was held captive by someone, the only thing I could see was the clothes he was wearing and his black hair... I think at the end his hair turned white with black stripes, then you guys came in and told him to let me go but he didn't listen to you, he then touched my shoulder and there was a noise of a switch... I think that man was Kira, you said he changed his appearance "you said and he looked skeptical.

" or maybe it was just a weird dream because your fever might went higher"he said.

"maybe it's that but what if it's not? What if I looked into the future? It wouldn't hurt if we looked into it? Besides there were some dreams that I had years ago that let me look into the future" you said.

"there is a big possibility that you did look into the future" kakyoin said.

"we'll make sure to look into it" Jotaro said as he got up, kakyoin followed behind and they left, Jonathan entered the room and he sat on your bed.

"everything's alright?" he asked and you nodded

"I'll go back to sleep" you said as you layed back down and closed your eyes.

"ok, goodnight" he said and he got up.

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