Chapter 15

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First 5=Shout Outs


Love On The Rocks[BoyxBoy]

Chapter 15

"You better run Noah. I'm going to catch you.", Nate says to me as he stands up from his swing with an evil smirk on his face. My eyes widen and I boost up and start running before he can catch me.

"Catch me if you can loser!", I yell back while sticking out my tongue. Now where to hide. Ah. Inside the slide.

Running over in that direction ad fast as my little legs can carry me, I boost myself inside and try to control my breathing.

Today has been mind altering. First I make out with Josh, and then I cry my eyes out, lose my virginity to Nate, and then to top it all off I get a new boyfriend. A very sexy boyfriend.

Nate is the kind of guy that can make you feel better about anything. Being with him this week has made my life that much better. His kind spirit and smile are just perks. I wonder if meeting him was fate or something.

When I first met Josh I thought that he was it, but was I wrong?

Our relationship was like the song Double Vision. I'm thinkin' maybe, I can't have relationships. 'Cause lately, they're not making any sense. And baby, you're the one thing on my mind but that can change anytime. Maybe nothing that happened between the two of us was real.

"Gotcha!", Nate suddenly screams and grabs my sides. I let out a yelp and a pout crosses my lips. He laughs and I say,

"How did you find me?"

"It was easy. You were panting like a Shepard."

I cross my arms over my cheat and pretend to be mad while Nate laughs it out. His face is so cute that I just can't stay mad. It's not my fault that im not that coordinated. I swim, that's it. I used to b on the swim team at my old school. Maybe I should join our schools. Hmm.

Leaning forward, I press my lips to his real quick before saying,

"So where to now?"

"You want to come over for dinner?"

"Sure. Just let me call Debbie and see."

"Alright. Well let's start heading toward home anyway."

I nod my head and grab his hand as we head in the direction of home. Pulling my cell out from my pocket, I dial homes number and wait. Debbie answers a few seconds later, and is in a chipper mood as always. She says yes right away.

"She said yes.", I say to Nate after I hang up and stuff my phone away. He nods and I say,

"You know, I never imagined this being us." I motion to our entwined hands just to empathy to my words. He nods and says,

"I did. It was like love at first sight for me. I had been searching for someone for so long and then the one day that I give up, you show up. When I saw you, I just knew that I needed to make you mine."

See, this is what I mean. He always knows exactly what to say. That is perfect.


"Yes really. You may not think so ,but you are perfect Noah."

I smile and stop us from walking. I pull him face down to mine and the second that his lips touch mine, I know that he is perfect for me.

We continue our walk home a few minutes later and when we walk into his house, I now see a boy from Josh and Nate's group sitting on the couch with his arms around another boy. My eyes widen and I look to Nate for answers.

"Um, Noah, you already know my brother Seth and then Mason here.", I nod my head and take a seat next to them on the couch. Seth looks at me and says,

"You are probably extremely confused right now right?"

"Uh yeah."

"He laughs and says,

"It's simple. I'm gay, and so is Mason. Mason is my boyfriend is you haven't guessed already.", he adds with a laugh.

"Wait! Is everybody in the group gay or what?"

This causes all of them to laugh and nod their heads.

"Yeah. Except Josh."

"Uh.", I say and bite my lip while looking at Nate. He nods and says to Seth,

"We have ourselves a closet bi with us."

"Ooo. Nice. I always knew that he was. He always checked us out in the locker room.", Mason says with a laugh. The boys all nod in agreement and I just stay quiet. I don't exactly like talking about Josh.

"Wait! How the hell do you know that he is bi Noah?", Seth asks with a knowing smirk. I blush and say,

"I had something with him until I caught him cheating."

"Rachel.", Seth and Mason say together and I look at them with wide eyes.

"How does everybody know that?!"

"Rachel is like a stalker. She will do anything to be with Josh."

"I've noticed."

He nods and continues.

"So how did you end up with my brother?"

"Who says were together?", I ask with the raise of my eyebrows.

I see him look over at Mason before he starts laughing. He looks at me and says,

"We heard you."

Oh my freaking god. First his mother and now his brother.

"Nate I'm going to kill you.", I say while shooting a mean look at him. He looks down and blushes.

"That's real nice."

"Dint be embarrassed. Nate has to hear us all of us the time. I'm not afraid to admit it."

This time it's my turn to laugh. Now that has to be embarrassing. Nate nods his head head and shakes his head. Seth seems like a pretty cool brother.

"Boys! Time for dinner!", their mother suddenly yells for us. Nate pulls me up by my hand and into the kitchen before I can protest about anything.

"Ah. I'm glad that you could stay Noah, an of course you too Mason.", Nate's mother says with a smile and laugh while setting a casserole down on the table. I nod and take my seat next to Nate. He smiles at me real quick before getting his food. I get mine and dig in.

"Where is your dad?", I ask Nate quietly.


I nod and go to say something back when Seth surprises me by saying,

"I have an announcement."

"Oh boy, and what might that be Seth?", his mother asks with a laugh. I can already tell that Seth is a jokester.

"I'm going to come out to everybody on Monday, along with Mason. Right Mason?", Mason nods yes and smiles before Nate's mom says,

"That's great honey. I'm happy for you."

Let's just hope that this all goes down well. 4 guys coming out in one day. One can only wonder what will happen. I guess we will see.

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