Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to All of my newest fans. If i haven't messaged you yet, I'm sorry!! <3

Love On The Rocks[BoyxBoy]

Chapter 4

I compose myself while we are walking over to where Joshes friends stand. They all have that 'I'm an ass' look to them and I let out a slight laugh. Josh looks down at me for an explanation as to why I am laughing and I just say,

"Your friends all look like they have issues."

He lets out a laugh along with me and just nods his head as if agreeing. I roll my eyes and shove my hands in my pockets. We reach the guys and they all greet Josh with 'hey's' and 'sup's'. he says hello to all of them and then turns to me and says,

"Noah, the boys. Boy, Noah.", he says while motioning between and the guys. I nod my head hi and they all do the same except for one, who eyes me weirdly and then smiles. I grin back and then we all head to the main part of the mall.

The guys all decide to go into one of the hat stores in the mall and I quickly agree. We look through racks and racks of them and I finally find one that I like. It's a black and white DC cap and it looks awesome on me. Ha, boy do I sound gay right now! I laugh on the inside as I brush past Josh in a flirty manner and pay for it.

Josh notices my flirty ways and sends me a wink without the guys noticing. I wiggle my eyebrows in return and can't help but laugh at how open Josh just acted. I really, really hate the fact that he is 'in the closet' when around the guys but yet he can make out with me when we are at home. It's just crazy but yet, I'm willing to hide 'us' from the guys. If there is an 'us'.

Letting that thought leave my head, I run to catch up with the guys who are headed to another store and once I get to them, I hear the guys say,

"We are going to head to the food court for a bite to eat. You guys wanna join us?"

I look to Josh for an answer and he shakes his head no and gives me those eyes as if telling me something. We both say no to the guys and head in our own direction. Once the others are out of hearing distance, I turn towards Josh and say,

"Where are we going now?"

"To hot topic. I need some new clothes, bad."

I let out a slight laugh and entwine my fingers with his, waiting for him to say something. When he doesn't, I sigh in relief and then clap excitedly as we walk inside the store. We are greeted by a very creepy looking guy with more piercings than I can count and Josh and I both move away from him as quickly as possible.

I pull myself away from Josh so that I can explore. I end up finding quite a few shirts and pairs or pants that I like so I hurriedly try them on and while I'm in the changing room, I hear Joshes huffs and puffs. I chuckle and holler,

"Are you alright in there?"

"Yeah, I just can't get this stupid zipper up."

I smack my hand to my forehead and rush over to his room, only in my boxers. I close the door behind me and look at him. He blushes and continues to try his hardest. I let him struggle for a few more seconds before intervening and saying,

"Sit down and I'll try."

He nods and does as I say. I get closer to him and start to work on the zipper. It doesn't budge at all so I bite my lip and think through things that I can do. I smile evilly as the best plan ever comes into mind and I crawl onto Joshes lap. His eyes widen but I just ignore it and continue to work on the zipper. Suddenly, I feel a certain hardness touch my ass and I gasp. Josh just blushes, once again, and instead of playing with him this time, I push my lips down to his hard and fast.

He kisses back instantly and my hands go to his hair as he stands up all of a sudden pulls my legs up around his waist. Times like these are when I am happy that I am skinny and short. He holds onto my butt with one hand and rubs my front with the other while continuing to kiss me. I moan, loudly, and he silences me by sticking his tongue in my mouth. We battle for a few minutes and then he lets my legs drop down and he pushes his front into mine. I rub back and this time he moans. I finally pull back, needing air, but he just continues to kiss my neck, up and down repeatedly.

When he pulls away from me, he has a conniving smile on his face. I smirk and he says,

"Thanks for the help."

"No problem. They look good by the way."

He nods ok and I hurry back to my dressing room and get changed. we pay for our new clothes and then head out of the store, me with a blush still upon my face. Him and his stupid sexy ass body.

We meet up with the guys at the food court and instead of eating, Josh and I just sit there and talk with all of them. They all aren't asses surprisingly. Most of them are actually cool, especially Nate, who is rather sexy. Not as sexy as Josh of course but still sexy. He has longer brownish-red messy hair, brown eyes, and is wearing skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt with writing on it. He is definitely hot.

I sit across from him in the booth and he sends me flirty smiles the whole time. He doesn't say a word but he smiles and winks, a lot. I return all of the gestures and after awhile, I feel a hand creep up my leg. I look over Josh for an answer he just secretly winks, telling me that it's him.

I move my hand from in my lap and to his crotch, where I push down and rub. He growls slightly and stares down at me with evil eyes. I just play innocent and shrug my shoulders, while continuing to mess with him. This sure is fun.


"What you did earlier was so not nice mister.", Josh scolds me as we lay on his bed and talk.

"What? What did I do?"

"What did you do? Oh, do not play innocent. You know exactly what you did."

I just stick my tongue out at him in return and I go to turn my head away from him when suddenly his mouth is on mine. He takes control this time and moves so that he is on top of me. I quickly pull his shirt off and let my hands roam the contour of his abs. he moans at my touch and I just love being able to make him melt into me. He pulls away with a smile and then cups my cheek with his hand. I smile and lean into it. He sighs and says with hope in his voice,

"Be my boyfriend?"

My smile turns huge and quickly say, "Yes.", before kissing him once again. My heart soars and I feel happy for once again in my life.

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