Chapter Two - Hello, Brother

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The dinner was set. Ben, Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Gil, Adam and Belle, with a empty spot for Breanne. Everyone sat down and was served, they talked and there were a few laughs. Ben cleared his throat and stood up.

"Thanks to everyone for coming this evening. It has been a difficult few months but it is...." Ben had just raised his glass when The double doors swung open. As bold as you like in strolled Breanne followed by Harry and Audrey. They stopped at the other end of the table. Bree wore a smirk.

"Hello, Brother" Ben's glass dropped to the ground (Couldn't resist)

"Hello, Brother" Ben's glass dropped to the ground (Couldn't resist)

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"Oh, careful you don't step on that." she moved around the table and started humming 'Three Little Birds' Everyone watched her in shock.

"You alright Benjamin. You look like you've seen a ghost?" Ben launched his arms around his sister and brought her in for a hug. At the end of the table Audrey and Harry shared a triumphant glance. No one thought to ask any questions in that moment, Adam and Belle joined in, Jay held back tears while Uma and Gil went to greet Harry. Carlos and Evie had a look of happiness. Mal however stared at her future sister in law with suspicion. Suspicion which she chose to voice.

"Where have you been, Breanne? Why come back now?" Mal wondered, to her something was different about the princess, it had been for a while. Bree was about to answer when Ben cut her off.

"Who cares about that right now, Mal? She's safe and she's home." Ben hugged his sister again.

"No it's fine." Bree smiled and turned to address the purple haired girl.

"I have been traveling with Audrey and Harry. I was hurt after everything that had transpired eight months ago. I needed some time away, but I knew that I wouldn't get the freedom I desired if I simply asked you and went through the proper protocols befitting my station." Breanne smooth talked

"You could have left a note, sweetheart." Belle stated

"I could have, but I was so hurt and angry, it seemed in my head a fitting rebuttal. You know my temper." Bree bit her lip looking a little ashamed, seeking the story that they had come up with.

"But if you've been traveling, how come no one ever spotted you or reported back to us." Mal folded her arms.

"I didn't know she was on trial, lassie." Harry sassed "But if you must know..."

"We stuck to villages on the outskirts of cities." Audrey finished. They had come up with a believable half lie/half truth before their return.

"You must be tired sweetheart, I will have someone prepare your rooms. And a extra two places." Adam beamed and went to sort it out.

"Oh, you're here." Ben pulled out a chair as staff set another two settings for Audrey and Harry.


I sat on the wall of the tower looking over city when I heard two sets of footsteps arrive. I already know it was Harry and Audrey.

"Well that went well." Harry commented softly twirling his hook.

"You expect any different?" I wondered "My guilt ridden brother questioning his twin sisters long awaited return." fireworks were set off, the news must have reached the city of my return. I turned my head to face them.

"It's not my brother we have to worry about, not even my parents, they'll be happy that I'm home, we're home. It's the others. Mal in particular and if she speaks to Uma, her as well."

"How do we deal with them?" Audrey wonders joining me.

"We've already come up with our story. Until the time is right we'll repeat it till we're blue in the face." I state standing up.

"Surly we can tell Uma." Harry thought

"You really think she won't tell Mal? They buried the hatchet months ago." Audrey rebuffed. Harry thought about it and ultimately agreed

"Guys, I said this wouldn't be easy. in the past thirteen months the 24 plans we have come up with have all failed." I folded my arms with a small scowl.

"25 is what? Sitting down with Ben and what trying to get through to him? Cause that worked so well before. He drugged you up and suppressed your powers, you were in constant pain, Bree." Harry argued

"I know, but it's his last chance, his last chance to save us all from plan Z." I rubbed my face

"So, what do we do now?" Audrey questioned

"What I said, get used to being back, and search the libraries top to bottom, rooms if need be and find that book. Seeing is believing, especially for the future." I ordered then turned back around to look out at the castle grounds.

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