Third Day

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Third Day

Atlas did the usual routine he does every day for the morning. Once he was dressed and his bed was perfect he walked to the cafeteria to eat and talk with his squad mates. But he was instead redirected to room 2-C. He was curious about what it was about. And the only way to find out was to go there. He walked to the room and knocked on the door and stood at attention. The door was opened by a "Red Right Hand" member. He was let in and he sat down.

"I trust you are well?"

The O5 asked. Atlas nodded.

"Good. SCP-953 has been fed early. The reason for this, she will be with you today. She cannot remain in her cell while construction is being done, so she will follow you as you do your jobs and such. This is only for today, and keep her on a tight leash. We don't need anyone dying today"

They stated. Atlas nodded, not suprised at this point.

"No casualties will happen, I assure you"

"Good, you are dismissed"

Atlas stood up and walked out. He headed to her cell and noticed that the dogs had been moved. He opened the cell door and saw her at the table, wiping her mouth.

"Good morning, Atlas"

She said, looking at him.

"Morning. Today you won't be in your cell. Your with me during my duties, since you can't exactly be in here during construction."

He stated. He could feel she as if already planning an escape. He just had a gut feeling.

"And please don't try anything . Or I'll be forced to gun you down"

he said, Almost pleading. She wasn't surprised he worked it out. She just smiled at him.

"I'll be fine spending they day with you"

was all she said before standing up and grabbing his wrist.

"Lead the way" she said playfully.

"Alright. I have a lot of paperwork to do so that'll be just perfect"

He said, leading her to his office. It was a small room. There was a wooden desk with an office chair behind it, a small pot plant in the corner, a desktop and a series of books and pens as well as a pile of paperwork. He sat down in the office chair now while she sat against the wall. She sat behind him so she could see his desktop. It was a picture of a tiger II with 8 white stripes on the barrel, it was sitting on a grassy field with smoke in the sky. She had no idea what any of this was but Atlas seemed busy with all the paperwork. Kumiho sighed as she was bored.

"What's that on your desk?"

She asked, regarding the desktop. He could only guess what she was referring to, and guessed right.

"That's a desktop. It's like a device that keeps all my information in one place. I can access it anytime"

he answered.

"Oh, and what's on it?"

"A tank. An armoured fighting vehicle that supports infantry and supports breakthrough attacks"

he answered. She seemed to grasp the concept pretty well. She asked more questions about the tank, like what type that one is specifically and what the lines mean.

He soon finished the paperwork and sighed as he set the pen down.

"Done! Finally!" He exclaimed, which made Kumiho smile.

"We can leave?" She asked, standing up.

"We can leave. I'll just drop this off and then we have guard duty"

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