Chapter 2

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Castiel's heart lept in his chest. Funny, how death had him so calm and a simple greeting scared him out of his mind. He whipped around, careful not to lose his balance. He was ready to die, but he didn't want to just because he tripped god dammit. At first glance, he saw no one, and thought maybe he was finally losing his mind. Then suddenly a figure stepped forward,into the small circle of light the lamppost cast. It was a young man, no older than himself. He was blonde with an  indeterminable amount of freckles, and wearing a leather jacket that was a little too big for him. The light reflected in the strangers eyes, making Castiel smile inwardly. In truth, he was handsome.

    "Hello." Castiel finally responded. The stranger gave a funny little half-wave before shoving the hand back into his pocket. He looked positively terrified, like a deer in the headlights. The terror broke Castiel's heart, he couldnt stand to hurt someone else, certainly not a stranger. He shook his head, speaking softly. "You don't need to do this." The man ignored his statement.

    "How are you?" the blonde asked, kicking at air. A wry smile played at Castiel's lips. The man knew, he just wanted to be proved wrong. Castiel had never been a liar, and he wasn't going to start now. He ignored the question, opting for one of his own.

    "It's past midnight, how come you're out walking?"

    "Just got off work." Freckles (Castiel had to give him some sort of name) answered. A few seconds later he spoke again, "What brings you here?"

    Castiel gripped the street lamp tighter, as if it would sprout a mouth and speak for him. He paused, considering his options. Warily, he wrapped an arm around the pole to keep his balance and rolled up the sleeve of his jacket. Angry bruises in every shape,size and color were revealed.He pressed a thumb into one on his wrist, and found it hardly hurt anymore. In answer to Freckles' question, he held out his arm for him to see better.

    Freckles stepped forward, looking at him for the okay before he lightly placed his hands under Castiel's arm.

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