3: I Don't Know You

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"Princess, go now!" King Gregory told the little girl.

"But dad!" his daughter replied to him, screaming, tears running down on her face. The scene so horrific and too much for the young's heart to handle.

Black hooded figures suddenly came to them.

"Duchess Lilianne, you must go. I'm ordering you this as your father and as your king. " the man said with firmness even though he's struggling to breathe.

"Take care of your mother and your brother" he whispered, not having enough strength anymore to talk.

The young one had no choice but to run, but it didn't escape her sight how the hooded figure stabbed her father and twisted the knife in his chest, he was shouting at the excruciating pain.

"Aaaahh!! You- are n-not, getting away w-with this!"

As if she was drowned in the water and trying hard to catch her breath, Duchess got up and sat on her bed. It was another nightmare, but not exactly a nightmare, it was a fragment of a horrendous memory 3 years ago. A memory she wants to forget but also partly don't want to. It's her last memory of her father, it would be normal if she would want to aways remember it but the scene isn't so nice too see.

Duchess walked to the mini-fridge inside her room and drank the whole pitcher of water, completely exhausted from what happened. She went to the window, where Trek's cage is also, she opened his cage and let Trek stay at her arms, petting his long, smooth phoenix feathers while looking outside the window in the dark skies, with the bright, glistening stars.

Her thoughts wandered to what she did earlier. It has been 4 days already since she got there and she literally just spent her time wandering through the whole castle, it really is so spacious. On the afternoon of her first day there, she stumbled upon Evalesco Bibliothecam. The school's library is very amazing, it's a very ideal one, you can find almost any book you want to read, it's that spacious that it can fit almost all of the books published in the whole world of sorcery.

On her second day, she saw this sports area, very wide space, where there are sports equipment of any sport you could imagine. She stayed there, trying out her archery skills, she really wanna learn archery so she used the whole day to practice and learn.

On her third day, she went to the not-so-little department store somewhere in the school premises and bought some clothes and especially, her beloved hoodies. She wasn't contented and tried to go out of the school to go the mall, when she got there, she just bought some random but maybe useful stuff, doesn't mean she has the money that she will use it for nonsense things. She came back safe and sound after having a stroll in the mall because she clearly remembers everywhere she went.

Then earlier, she took a walk around and took note of the classroom so that she will be able to go to her classes easily on the next days.

Oh, speaking of classes, she forgot to arrange her schedules, she was too busy taking a stroll around the school. She even stayed on the field just to relax and clear her thoughts but she completely forgot that she still needs to do this.

Duchess got up from sitting on the floor and opened the light of her room. She sat on the study table where the piece of parchment was and stared at the subjects she would be having.

Strategies and Analysis
Kingdom Management

The time slots available for subjects are:

08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30

14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:15
17:15 - 18:30

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