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"today, i must tell you this"

Kim Minji-

"Huang Renjun," I speak, trying to sound as unsuspicious as possible, "please leave us, you can go back to lessons." I glance over at Ryujin through the corner of my eye. As predicted, her face was in a panic, it's definitely her. Renjun slowly crawls out from underneath the bed and without saying goodbye, leaves. He doesn't even turn around to face her, or me. I wait for him to leave, then turn to Ryujin, who seems to have tears brimming around the corner of her eyes. "Shin Ryujin was it?" I ask, facing her, she sniffles, wiping her tears away, 

"You look sad," I continue, "what really happened?"
"I told you before, t-these bullies attacked me." I slowly shake my head with a small scoff, 
"come on, tell me the truth."
"That was the truth," she insists.
"Then where are your injuries? Why can't you even name your bullies for my brothers to sort out? Tell me the truth, Ryujin-ssi." She scratches the back of her head, 
"so, you're friends with Huang Renjun?" she asks, in an awful attempt at changing the subject.
"Good try," I smile, "but it's not going to work, I'm the one asking the questions."
"Or, girlfriend?" she mutters under her breath, but it's loud enough to hear.
"Shin Ryujin! Answer my question!"
"Okay, okay!" she pants, "I wasn't getting bullied, I was just exhausted from work."
"Was it so hard to say? Why'd you lie?" She looks over at me, a small smile creeping on her face and her ears turning a light shade of pink, "I kind of sort of have a crush on your brother and thought he'd take notice of me if I told him I was getting bullied." 

She's joking, right? Renjun was with this priss? "You do realise Jungwoo is dating Kang Soyeon, the 'it' girl of our school?" She looks down in shame, fiddling with her fingers,
"I-I know, he could do a lot better."
"Say, Ryujin, have you ever been in a relationship?" I ask, jumping to the chase. If I hear another person simp over my brothers, I'm going to throw up. She gives me a look of disgust, "have you met me? No, of course not, I don't have the facilities to even talk to a guy, let alone date one." I tilt my head, she's lying but why does it seem like she's telling the truth? Unless something happened? "What about Renjun over there?" I laugh, "you seemed pretty upset when you heard me call his name." She freezes immediately, 
"Why would I be upset? I've never spoken to the guy in my life." Okay, that is really weird, what is she playing at? Something doesn't add up. 

I end up leaving her to sleep, not really knowing what else to ask without getting too personal. Like any other, the day drags on, and having to sit next to Yangyang in English isn't making it any better, especially with him fiddling with my crutches every ten seconds. English, the only lesson with a bloody seating plan. You'd think as you climb the school ladder, they'd give us some freedom. Yangyang, how do I describe the boy without being offensive? Well... I guess he's tall, but so is every other guy in this school. "So, how'd you get these again?" he asks, lifting up my crutches, I snatch them from his hand and smack his legs, "shut up," I hiss, "the teacher will hear, and if I have to go through another detention because of you, I'm going to shove them up your ass."

"Someone's in a mood," he grins, now fiddling with his pencil, "it's hot." I turn to face him, with revulsion written all over my face but don't bother replying, he's not worth my time. "So, you and Renjun, huh," he continues, ignoring my obvious sign to shut the fuck up, "you could do better." I inhale for a good five seconds and let out an exasperated sigh, if he doesn't shut his mouth, I'm going to get up and move. "Psst, Kim Minji," he whispers, tapping my back, "Minjiiiiiii." I ignore him again, no, I won't fall for it, I'm not getting another detention. "Minji," he grins, poking his pencil at my leg, but stops and looks at me in concern, "what happened to your knees?" he asks. I roll my eyes, he doesn't bother playing with my crutches but asks about my knees? I shove his stupid pencil away, "it's none of your business."
"Are you okay?"
"Why do you care?" He suddenly shuts up and, to my joy, remains silent for the rest of the lesson. 

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