40. Exposed

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Over the following week, Joseph made up – sort of – with his parents, apologising for disappearing and even getting them their favourite wine to make up for it. They accepted his apology, and we all went out for supper at the weekend as a late celebration of Joseph's birthday. Everyone... everyone seemed happy and were getting along well, which was a rare occurrence.

I didn't see Joseph that much. What with me having school during the day and him working at the bar from the afternoon until late at night, the only time we ever saw each other was when he got back, which often wasn't until at least 1:30 in the morning. Sometimes I fell asleep before he got back – which was honestly a good thing – and then, if he came to my room anyway, he would leave my room before anybody else got up. And that kind of sucked. Any amount of time with him wasn't enough for me.

The Sunday morning after we'd gone out the night before, I slept in. Joseph had come into my room last night, and we'd stayed up until around 3, just talking and being with each other. Sometimes I would lie there, dozing, and Joseph would get his sketchbook and draw me. Sometimes he would lie with his head in my lap and I would run my fingers through his hair and trace the features of his face. It was these moments that I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, but... after Violetta, it would probably be a while before he could love anybody. And that was okay.

When I woke, Joseph wasn't in my room. I felt well-rested for the first time in a while, and when I opened the curtains, I saw it was a beautiful autumn day outside, contributing to my good mood.

I pulled on some leggings and a big hoodie and made my way downstairs, not hearing any noise in the kitchen. I frowned slightly and stepped into the room, seeing only Joseph sitting, shirtless, at the table typing on his laptop.

"Hey," I said to him, trudging towards the fridge.

Joseph looked up and smiled. "Hey."

"Where is everybody?" I scanned the contents of the fridge and, deciding I didn't want any food, put the kettle on to boil instead.

"Uh, Alice is at dance, dad's sailing, and... I think mum's getting coffee with a friend."

"Right." Made sense. I went over to Joseph and leaned down, resting my arms on the back of his chair and propping my chin on his bare shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing interesting. Seriously. It's just the rota for work."

"Oh." I wrinkled my nose. "That is boring." I straightened and went to grab a mug, pouring myself some coffee.

After a couple of seconds, Joseph shut the laptop. "Done now." I heard him get up and move behind me, his hands snaking round my waist.

"Careful, you don't want me to spill scalding coffee on you, now," I warned, my senses narrowing to Joseph's touch.

"Don't do that." He leaned down and brushed his lips over the side of my neck, just under my ear. I shivered slightly. "That would hurt."

"Mm," was all I could manage to say, my eyes half closing as Joseph left featherlight kisses over my neck and my shoulder. I put the coffee down and span round, capturing Joseph's lips with my own. I felt him smile into the kiss, his hands creeping under my top and grazing my ribs. I let out a small noise and held the back of his neck, weaving my fingers in his hair.

"Empty house," I breathed when I pulled back for a second.

Joseph laughed and kissed me again, saying against my lips, "funny you should notice that."

I smiled and held him close to me as he deepened the kiss, parting my lips. He enveloped me in his arms, practically lifting me against him, not an inch separating us–

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