One- Meredith

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Saving lives

That's what I'm wired to do. What I'm destined to do. Saving lives is all I know and ever since Derek it's all I've focused on other than my kids.

This morning I wake up early and make the kids lunch. I pack sandwiches for all three, peanut butter for Zola, ham for Bailey and peanut butter and jelly for Ellis. I pack all three of them some strawberries, a yoghurt and a small chocolate bar as a treat.

I then make breakfast, toast for Zola, porridge for Bailey and Frosties for Ellis.

"Morning, Mom" says Zola as she comes down the stairs "Hey, ZoZo, I was just about to wake you up, I made you breakfast" I say, kissing my daughter on the forehead "thanks, mom!" Exclaims Zola. She sits at the table and digs into her breakfast, I then go up the stairs to wake up my other two children.

My kids are the loves of my life. I don't need anyone else.

"Bailey, come on, time for school" I say, turning on Bailey's light. He groans and tries to cover his eyes, I'll come back to him after I get Ellis up. "Ellis, come on, up you get it's time for school" I say.

Ellis yawns, stretches but gradually sits up "morning, mommy" says Ellis, I smile "morning, sweetheart" I say.

After I get the kids to school I drive to the hospital.

I get in and start with post op patients after having got myself a coffee.

I then go to the next ward to prep my first surgery of the day. I walk into the room and see a man I've never seen in my life wearing the same dark blue scrubs as me

"Ah, you must be Dr Grey, we were worried you'd forgotten" says the mystery man. He was tall, bald, Irish, broody but also had kind eyes. "Hi, um, who are you?" I ask, shaking mystery man's hand "I'm Dr Cormac Hayes and I'm the new head of Paediatrics, so I will be taking on this case" replies Cormac. Right then

"Well, welcome to Grey Sloan, Dr Hayes. I'm sure I'll see you around" I say, he nods and I leave what was my patient with Dr Hayes.

I definitely was not expecting a newcomer today. So I decide to pay a visit to my friend Holland.

"Hey, Holls" I say, she greets me with a smile "Hey, Mer, what's up?" Asks Holland "When did you step down as head of Peads?" I ask, she shrugs

"Couple months ago, they've been looking for a replacement. Have you met him? He's super sweet" replies Holland, I sigh "I've met him briefly, he stole my patient and my surgery so at the moment I wouldn't say I'm fond of him" I reply, Holland shakes her head at me "Come on, Mer, give him a chance, he's really nice I promise. Besides, having him as head of peads now has given me more time with the kids" says Holland

"Alright, fine" I say "I'll give him a chance but only for your sake" I continue, Holland smiles "That's the spirit" says Holland, I roll my eyes "since I have time to spare I might as well do pre ops" I say "bye then" says Holland

"Hello, Mr Finch, how are you this morning?" I ask, checking in on my first pre op patient, Daniel Finch "Ah, Dr Grey, I'm as good as I can be thanks, how are you this morning?" Asks Daniel, I smile at him "I'm good thank you, well, lucky for you, one of my patients was taken on by a different surgeon and now I have three extra hours to kill. I'm gonna make sure your kidney is ready for your transplant and then if it is we can push your surgery forward if that's alright with you?" I ask, he smiles "are you kidding? That would be brilliant!" Exclaims Daniel "thank you, Dr Grey" continues Daniel

I chuckle lightheartedly "of course, Mr Finch" I say, he unexpectedly grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug to which I begrudgingly return.

I leave Daniel to find out if his kidney is ready. I arrive at the front desk and smile at the nurse, Jennifer. "Hey, Jen, could you do me a favour and check to see if the kidney for Daniel Finch is ready yet? I was going to push his surgery forward" I ask, Jennifer, she smiles and nods "of course, Dr Grey" replies Jennifer

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