1. A Reconnaissance Mission (plus trophies from battles not so long past)

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ENTRY #4242

date: 20XX january 28 (thursday)

Report: I've finished the reconnaissance plan, and will carry out the mission tomorrow, code Echidna Black Heart.

Mission Objectives: Determine whether I, the Jet Black Wings, am Kuboyasu Aren's type.

Date of Mision: Tomorrow, when we are walking to school, if he's there or at lunch break.

Mission Execution: With my decades (in my past life) of interrogation and espionage training, I shall subtly lead him into a conversation related to that, and I'll casually ask. If he asks in return, see the Blood Manuscript (the magazine hidden in algebra book) for references on how to let him know that he is my type. But not that I like him. Just that he has a chance if he wants to date me maybe.

End of report


Their little friend group didn't encounter Kuboyasu on the way to school, and Kaidou sighed in both relief and disappointment. He had been cold-sweating the whole way to the crossroads where they usually met and was still sweating a little. Having a crush was really taxing, even for the Jet Black Wings. But! He was determined! No going back now! He will ask him his type at school, and he won't chicken out!

Saiki gave him an annoyed side-eye. Were his thoughts showing on his face? It wasn't too late to go back home and claim sickness, was it? Alas, it was, because they were right in front of the school gates, and Matsuzaki had already spotted their group.

Kaidou shuffled slightly behind Nendou and hid his bandaged arms behind his back.

"Again with that hair?! Are you mocking this school?!"

"Haah, what? It's just my style, sensei"

"You rascal, when will you learn?!"

Kaidou and Saiki quietly walked by the argument's side. That was close.

"I'm surprised that idiot hasn't gotten himself expelled yet, right, Saiki?" Kaidou commented. Saiki didn't answer, but he was sure he agreed. He put his uwabaki slippers on and closed his locker door. "Hmph, we won't be surprised when he is the first to fall under Dark Reunion's reign of terror."

Saiki just stared at him and started walking up the stairs to the classroom. Well, they really did not have time to linger, as Dark Reunion's rise crept closer to their peaceful lives, just like the school bell. Kaidou followed him, speed walking in companionable silence.

Kaidou opened the 4-∭ class's door.

"G-good morning!" He very subtly scanned the classroom for his objective, but Kuboyasu was nowhere to be seen. Kaidou shuffled to his seat, half wanting to drag his feet and dramatically sigh just to broadcast the extent of his dismay. Well, he hadn't actually expected Kuboyasu to be there earlier than them, as he would have had to wake up way earlier to take that train and he had never done that before in the... four years he was at PK Academy?


Anyways, Kaidou was going to have a very stern conversation with Kuboyasu about not worrying his best friend the next time he saw him. If he ever saw him again. Could Dark Reunion have caught on to his, his feelings? Was his Codex of Black Night compromised? After all that trouble googling cool defense sigils...

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