4. These Are The Secret Tricks The Heavens Use To Sabotage Your Love Life!

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dear diary i cannot believe that hisae broke up with tatsuya i fucking hate everything im never watching flower senpai again theres no justice in this world and im unleashing black beat on the producers, who are, by the way, giant fucking idiots, hisae and tatsuya were made for each other they were soulmates and their arc was vital to everything and rina was there for only two episodes she is NOTHING i hate everythign everything this is so stupid i




date: 20XX february 27 (saturday)

Report: Yesterday I've used my house as the meeting place for the Seasonal Dark Behemoth Conclave (Yesterday's report is missing because Dark Reunion attacked my room with sleeping gas). We watched the second and third seasons of Flower Senpai and, much to my dismay, it seems the producers have been replaced by Dark Reunion agents whose mission is to undo every single good narrative decision and make an absolute mess of the timeline and characters and they broke up the single wholesome couple in the entire fucking show. I am terribly disappointed and going through the five stages of grief for  such a magnificent and culturally important show. Pity. My heart is weeping inconsola


Besides his skull-shaped alarm clock that signaled the time as seven in the morning, his phone released a blood-curdling scream (thankfully in low volume), making Kaidou half-jump in surprise and lose control of his pen, drawing a blotch that ruined the page. Huffing, he extricated himself from the warm covers and grabbed it. If it was one of those shitty study apps, then Heaven and mom forgive him, but he was going to uninstall it and finally release some of the burning righteous rage he felt ever since yesterday.

But it wasn't an annoying app notification, but a text message.

[Yumehara ~chiyocchi3~]
>hey! txt me when ur awake

Kaidou blinked, and returned to the covers to answer.

[You ~xXbleedingdarknessXx~]
Im awake<
Why are u up at this hour?<
Did Dark Reunion attack?!!<

[Yumehara ~chiyocchi3~]
>no, my yoga class is in half an hour

How admirable! To wake up so early for brutal training! Kaidou wished he'd one day be half the warrior Yumehara was. He burrowed further into his bed.

>i thought you'd sleep until later
>we stayed kinda late, srry <(_ _)>

[You ~xXbleedingdarknessXx~]
Its ok<
The only one that has to apologize is tokiko productions<

[Yumehara ~chiyocchi3~]
>u good?
>u were
>really sad yesterday

[You ~xXbleedingdarknessXx~]
My heart has been broken, my trust betrayed, but Ill heal<
Thats irrelevnt, what happened?<

[Yumehara ~chiyocchi3~]
>dont worry, im sure theyll get back together in s3
>right right
>but first
>are u and kuboyasu dating or not?

Kaidou yelped and dropped his phone on his chest, hurriedly covering it and looking around his room, half-expecting to see Dark Reunion spies or cameras ready to transmit his not-so-secret secrets to headquarters, or his mom ready to send him to study or do homework if he was already awake and in his phone. Seeing that none of these things appeared, Kaidou hesitantly uncovered his phone.

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