cotton candy

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Hi guys, so this is very bad written and short but I decided to publish it anyways u know wattpad needs more blur content. oh and I'm going to try to write at least one story every week, feel free to leave suggsetions :D

*your pov*

My feet hurts and I am extremly tired but yet extremly happy. I'm holding Damons hand tight as we are walking trough the crowded area. It's colorful lights and people everywhere and the funny music is mixed with either happy or terrified screams from the rollercoasters. It's night and the summer air is just getting a little colder. I can't help to smile for myself as I'm looking at Damon, he always looks amazing but the shine from the lights and his slightly messed up hair from the wind makes him look even more beautiful tonight. 

What's so funny he suddenly says smiling lightly, I'm catching myself looking at him smiling like an idiot. 

Oh It's just- you're pretty I chuckle and pat his shoulder.

 Damon smirks  - y/n you're the pretty one here, he stares at me with his blue eyes for a few seconds making me daze. 

Everything feels unreal and I'm slowly trying to lean in for a kiss but Damon decides to interrupt our little moment by rapidly draging me  down the street. 

Oh you little fucker I say, stop it haha! 

But damon just laughs. We're running like idiots causing people to hastily move out of the way. My boots makes a big sound everytime they're hitting the ground and It's embarrassingly loud, making people stare. Sometimes I wonder if he forgets that he's famous and can get recognized here, but its dosen't seem to bother him. Luckily he stops  and he's pointing at the candy store,

 wanna buy some cotton candy? he looks at me trying to make some kind of puppy eyes.

It does work and he looks stupid and adorable at the same time.

I sigh, sometimes I wonder if you're still a child Damon.

He chuckled and crossed his arms, what if a pay for it he says raising his eyebrow.

I did a fancy eye roll, Okay then but only if you pay. 

Damon reached for my hand and kissed me gently on the cheek.

Thank you.

ah fuck off you're really really annoying sometimes Dames.


yes you fucking are I said with a fake angry voice . 

Damon smiled and looked down.

We went silent for a moment and a cold summer breeze swept over. The only sound we heard were the murmur from the others and screams from the many rollercoasters.  But Damon were the first one to brake the silence between us.


yeah, I said and looked into his eyes with my stomach full of butterflies

Damon stroke a bit of my hair behind my ear and leaned in for a kiss, I kissed back gently when he touched my lips. The tension were crazy, It almost felt like the time stood still and we were the only people here. Just me and Damon, Damon and me. 

He placed one hand on my hip and pulled me closer and I moved my hand up to his neck. It was turning more passionate until I realized we're very much not alone. I pulled away and  looked at him.

Somethings wrong? Damon said

No, no not at all that was the best thing ever It's just.. Damon were in the middle of a street.

He chuckeld and scratched his neck 

oooh yeah...fuck

mhm you still wanna get cotton candy he says questioning

I couldn't help  to laugh a bit 

Yes Damon, I said and poked his nose, let's go.

I bounced to the store happier than ever.  It was no que so we just walked right up to it  and I let Damon take the order. I looked at his perfect side profile and I smelt the scent of popcorn and sugar as he told the cashier what we wanted.

One big popcorn and one cotton candy please Damon said.

He pulled up his old and well used wallet and payed for us both, even though he really didn't have to. Well I did say that he needed to a few minutes ago.

Thank you mate I said while he gave me the popcorn bucket.

That was very kind of you Dames.

Yeah I know he smirked.

We sat down on a bench and I took a deep breath of fresh air. It was really late now and It's started to drizzle a bit, I shivered.

You freezing Damon asked comforting

Maybe a bit I dont have a proper jacket I chuckled and pointed at the top I was wearing

Come here then he said. I leaned in onto Damon and tilted my head on his shoulder, suddlenly I didn't freeze anymore. He put his arms around me and played with my hair. My gaze passed over his face, he looked so peaceful just sitting there humming some kind of melody 

 well you and I, Damon started to sing quitely 

collapsed in love... and it looks like we might have made it yes its looks like we made it we've to the end.

So yeah that was kinda trash but I wanted to start with these oneshots asap,, I'll promise to update and make better ones :)

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