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new facebook message!

from: londin parker

dude, my brother nearly like fainted when i said he could have the tickets

from: luca williams

yayayay we can all go and i can meet your bro and his gf

from: londin parker


from: luca williams

well what?

from: londin parker

they aren't together. they were like the perfect couple but she broke up with him bc she left town and couldn't handle a long distance relationship. just so happens that when the vamps come here she's in town visiting her folks

from: luca williams

oh that's sad :( where abouts does she live?

from: londin parker


from: luca williams

holy guacamole that's far away

from: londin parker

yeah, she's always been the spontaneous type

from: luca williams

well, i hope she comes to her senses and they get back together

from: londin parker

so do i, he hasn't been the same since

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