18 MAY 2002

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"Lou, where you at, lad?" Niall called out from the hallway.

Louis jumped slightly, holding the paper close to his chest. He looked up at the door to see the lock still in place, and sighed. "I'll be down in a minute, just putting on my suit!"

"Well don't take too long, Haz is mumblin about how it's supposed to rain and he wants to go to the beach before it starts!" Replied the teen before the sound of his receeding footsteps was all Louis heard from the hallway.

He sighed, leaning his head back against the headboard, shutting his eyes for a moment.

It was a last minute decision.

While Louis was getting ready for prom with his mum, he received a text from Niall. Niall was one of Harry's friends... thankfully one of the nice ones that never took part in the bullying. The bleach blonde was actually very sweet, and he was more than happy to meet Harry's boyfriend and childhood best friend. Niall, his neighbor, Zayn, and Niall's girlfriend, Melissa, decided it would be cool to head to the beach after prom, rent out a house for the weekend and get shit faced, and he wanted to know if Louis was in. Louis was shocked...  Prom was an hour away and Niall wanted to rent a house? Talk about spontaneous.

And clearly, Louis agreed, because now he's getting ready for a beach day with friends and the love of his life.

He sat up, searching through the messed up bedding for his pencil, and quickly began to write.

         My Disney prince,

I felt like a princess last night, because you were definitely my Prince Charming.

Prom is something everyone is always talking about. Girls are trying to decide what dress to get that no one else has, while lads are nervously figuring out who they are gonna ask. Or at least that is how it is in the movies.

Before you came back into my life, I had absolutely no plans to go to prom. I was going to head to the store and get a tub of ice cream and cry. As if I would ever embarrass myself by going to prom alone... the fucking "tranny". As if. And to be honest, what's the point of going if you don't have someone to make the night as magical as the movies say it is? I had no one.

But, now I have you.

And I couldn't be happier.

The theme of HCHS's 2002 prom was The Great Gatsby. It was so lovely.

You looked so dapper and absolutely handsome, I felt like a rubbish bin next to David Beckham or Beyoncé.

We decided to match, like a proper couple. Well, our own version of a proper couple. My mum and Gemma went dress shopping with me. I was so excited to find a navy blue dress to match with your suit. I had found a few that I liked when I heard them. A few girls that went to our school happened to be there, and they didn't seem to enjoy my presence in the dress section. "Tranny." "Freak." "As if Harry would ever love you."

To say that the bullying stopped once we got together would be a lie. If anything, it increased. Thankfully, Nick and Co. left me alone, but everyone else picked up where they left off. Girls that once found me to be cute, now glared at me every chance they got. Ha, perks of being the "tranny" to date the hottest lad in school.

I tried to hide my tears, but it was no use. It still stung, every time. At first, I told you about it, all the comments, the glares... but now I just felt like a bother.

"Its so funny that he thinks he'd look good in that." "That dress won't even fit him if he tried, he's so fat." "Maybe you should go up 10 sizes, tranny."

Fuck them. Fuck them. Fuck them.

They didn't deserve to see me cry.

I grabbed the two dresses I was looking at, and made a beeline to the dressing rooms, but when you are running with your tail between your legs, you ted to forget to watch where your feet are going.

I tripped, of course. Right in front of them.

The laughter burned my ears, and I was no longer able to hide my tears.

I had ran into the nearest dressing room and cried. I was hoping and praying my mum and Gemma didn't notice. I didn't want them to know.

Every bone in my body was telling me to stop, but my heart took over. Soon, the ringing stopped, and my favorite voice filled my ears. "Hi, baby, what's up?" Is how you answered the phone, and that word vomit I'm still so sure is fake came out, and I told you everything. We talked for a bit, you calmed me down, encouraging me to try on the dresses even when I said I should just wear a suit like a normal lad.

Yeah, okay, I'm crying now, ha, so I'm gonna stop writing about my embarrassment and go back to writing about prom, and how magnificent it was...

Only because I was by your side, Hazza.

The way you had asked me, was so cute, and I'm going to treasure it forever.

You got me a Winnie the Pooh stuffy with a sign that said: Prom would be Pooh without you, so bee my honey at prom? and you drew cute little bees, honey pots, and little Winnies all over it. It was so cute, Hazza. Just like you! (:

We danced together all night, enjoying the beautiful decorations and food. We danced a bit with Niall and Melissa, which was fun, but we spent a majority of the time together. You wanted to make sure the night was magical for me.

It was.

It was so fucking magical, Harry. It was exactly how I dreamed, like all of the movies.

Thank you.

After the dance, we got milkshakes with Niall, Melissa, and Zayn. Then, we rushed home to pack for our adventure, and now, we are here, at the beach.

I hear you calling for me downstairs, so I'm gonna end this note now.

Thank you so, so much, Harry.

Thank you for making me feel like the only person in the world.

Your Disney princess,

"I'm comin', Hazza!"

"Yeah, that's what you said last night!"

Louis gasped, cheeks turning bright red. He heard a loud laugh come from downstairs as well, which he immediately identified as Niall.

He quickly put on his bathing suit, and stuffed the note into his bag. With a quick look in the mirror, he smiled at his reflection, and then raced downstairs to spend the day under the sun, alongside his prince.

> > >

date published: 01/01/2021

Happy new year! Make sure to place your bets for when I'm gonna make this story sad again, b/c its me, don't expect anything less than tears ;)

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