29 DECEMBER 1999

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Louis slammed his door shut, sliding down the wood until his bum hit the floor. The boy let out a sob as he dropped his head into his hands.

Losing your father is something no person can ever prepare for. His dad was his best friend. He always made everything better. His jokes, his personality, and his overall presence could brighten up a dark room. His dad was his rock. He was the person Louis told everything too. His dad was the one he told that he has a crush on Harry. Troy was the one that took him to the mall to buy his first dress. Troy was the one who would wake him up every Sunday morning– bright and early– so they could go to the hill down the street and watch the sunrise. He loves his dad with his whole heart, and now, he's just gone.

And nothing he could do or say will bring the man back.

Louis stripped out of his sad, black clothing and dumped them in the laundry bin, putting on a pair of red joggers and his dad's old hoodie.

He walked over to his desk, putting a disk into his CD player. He grabbed a notebook and a pen before crawling into his bed, turning up the music— drowning out his thoughts.


Last week, my dad passed away in a car accident. Drunk driver hit him at the light in front of Asda.

Not that you care, though.

I went to his funeral today. So did your mum and Gemma. But not you. You didn't come.

It fucking hurts, Harry. It hurts so bad. I can't fucking do it anymore.

I miss you so much. I need you. You were my best friend, you were my happiness. But now you are gone and all I see is darkness.

Harry, please.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm different.

It hurts. Everyone is so mean to me. Aiden told me that I look pretty in my clothes, and that I should be confident in them. He said that people would accept me. But they don't, Harry. No one does. Not even you.

Your mates are definitely the worst. They hurt me. They push me around and call me names.

I wish I could tell you, so you could hug me and cuddle me and tell me that everything is okay. But I can't. Because you aren't my best friend anymore.

I'm a faggot. I'm a freak. I'm a tranny. But, worst of all?

I'm not your best friend anymore.


Louis choked out a sob as he ripped the page out of the book, balling it up then throwing it across the room. The teen pulled his blankets up to cover his head, crying himself to sleep.

> > >

date published: 02/17/19

Is WYALL Joli in a different universe? I guess we will never truly know, despite the fact that these chapters pretty much match up to the T.

The drama is almost over, ladies, be ready. Because I'm tired of all the sadness.

50 reads and 10 votes for the next update!

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