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You woke up and tried to reach Sebastian but found the rest of the bed empty. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, looking around the room. It was decently early in the morning and you looked to your left and saw a silver tray with a cup of warm, fresh tea and two pancakes.(or any breakfast of your choice :) ) You smile and pick up the folded paper, opening the note you see the most exquisite handwriting you've ever seen.

"Good morning Kitten, I'm currently in the city doing a few things for Ciel and the manor and won't be back until the evening, please do take care of yourself while I'm gone. See you this evening Kitten."

You smile at the note. 'He didn't need to do it but he took a little time just to write me a note,' you thought. You pick up the teacup and drink it slowly as you look out the window. You see Finny feeding a few birds and not too far from him Meyrin was smelling the roses. You wished everyday could be this peaceful. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your door. You walk over, open the door and Ciel is standing there. "I need to speak with you," he said. His tone was serious and his jaw was locked tight. You nod and the two of you walk into the study.

You sit in front of his desk and fidget with your hands. He picks up a photo and you look up. "(Y/N) do you know who this is?" he interrogated. The man in the photo had light brown hair, one golden and one green eye and a scar across his lip. You look closer then shake your head side to side. "No I've never seen that man before, why are you asking me about him?" your nerves calmed down a little, quite honestly you were expecting him to yell about you being with Sebastian so you were relieved. 

"This is the man you killed your mom," he says softly. You felt yourself stop. It's been a few months since she passed away but it still felt like yesterday. You stared at your feet and fidget your fingers. You saw Ciel walk and sit next to you out of the corner of your eye. He placed his hand on yours softly. "I'm sorry. I wished this never happened to you."

You were flooded with the memories. You were standing back in that store. You heard the robbers yelling at you and your mother. There was arguing and then a loud gunshot you saw your mom bleeding on the floor and before you know it you were passed out on the floor. That was all you remembered of that day, you woke up days later at your manor. The people who were taking care of you were doctors your butler had hired. You told your butler to find someone else to serve since you knew he needed more people to look over than you. Ever since that day you've been doing your best to get back to normal. Your father passed away from an illness when you were ten so you no longer had family, that's why you were so attached to Ciel, he felt like family.

Ciel gripped your hand reassuringly and smiled softly at you. "You know I will always look after you right? I have since we were children and I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon. I wanted to find the people who were responsible for your mothers death but I now realize that by doing so you will get hurt so I will let you decide the plan from here on out," he explained. You nod, you didn't really know what you wanted to do so you just nodded.

"Ciel, thank you," you hug him tightly. Ciel was a few years older than you and has looked out for you since you were born since your families were close before they all passed away. The two of you pulled away and felt the mood lighten a bit. "Now, how about we play chess until Sebastian gets back, then we can force him to entertain us somehow," he sneered. You giggle and soon enough the two of you were laughing and bickering over the game.

The two of you played chess for a few hours and by the time Sebastian finally knocked on the door your stomach was aching from all the laughing. Sebastians eyes soften as he looks at you smiling and laughing. He smiles softly to you and walks over. "My Lord I have finished all the tasks in the city," he informed Ciel. The young Phantomhive nodded and a few moments he says "checkmate well look there, I won," you groan at the loss and roll your eyes. "Next time Phantomhive, I promise I will win next time, and what did you say about Sebastian entertaining us when he got back?" you teased. Sebastian was filled with panic at the thought of you two making him do different types of "amusing" stuff. Ciel smirked, "I did say that didn't I?" he remarks.


Next chapter is going to be quite interesting.

What will Ciel and (Y/N) make Sebastian do for entertainment? WELL you will find out NEXT CHAPTERRR HAHAHAHAAA

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