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You slowly fell asleep in the chair. Sebastian noticed when he heard the book you were reading drop to the floor. He looks over to you and smiles. He walks over and wraps you in the blanket you brought, brushing your hair from your face. You sigh lightly and nuzzle against his hand. He smiles and then his face tenses remembering that someone was trying to take you away from him. He walks back over to his desk and picks up an old black telephone.

He dials a number.

"Hello?" a man says.

"This is Michaelis, the leader of the ravens, and I need your help. He's back."

There is silence for a moment.

"I will gather my forces. When the time comes though you will be the one to kill your father."

Sebastian pauses, "I expected nothing less. I will kill him with my own hands don't worry. MY brother however is to be captured alive. I have a special place in my dungeon perfect for him."

A chuckle is at the end of the line and followed by. "When and where," Sebastian gives him the location and the time and hangs up. Sebastian stands, looking outside of the window. He breathes in deeply and closes his eyes as he releases the air. He feels every emotion, fear, anger, sadness, guilt. He clenches the bookshelf. There was one thing he didn't tell you when you became a demon. Demons have a shutdown mode, they turn it on when in life or death situations most often, but in some cases when a demons mate dies or the demon is being tortured they choose to shutdown instead of go through it.

The shutdown makes the demon feel no emotion nor remorse but in this state the demon has superior combat skills and reflexes as well as their strength and speed. Sebastian shook his head at the thought. The chance of him being able to leave that state is slim to none and he won't risk forgetting you. He flinched when you hugged him from behind. He was worried. He knew how strong his Father was, after all his father was the one who trained him. He was the one who took most of the hits and attacks from his father so he knew what he was capable of.

He stared at the reflection in the mirror and saw your face. He turned around and kissed your forehead. He glances at the clock, the two of you spent all day in the study and it was getting rather late. He picked you up and held you tightly trying desperately to clear his mind. He sat you on the bed and took off your clothes putting you into pajamas then doing the same for himself. He lays down and pulls you into him, wrapping his arms around you protectively. Your head was buried into his chest, you could tell he was concerned for your safety, you wished you could do something but you couldn't do much. You felt useless. 

"No matter what happens I will always protect you I promise," you hear him whisper. You snuggle into him closer and clench his shirt. You both fall asleep entangled.


Yes I know this is short but I'm about to post the other one right now!

A Deal With a Demon (Sebastian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now