Chapter 1

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I stood on a ledge. I looked over it, trying to see if it was safe to jump. It obviously wasn't. I was high enough that if I tried to jump I'd end up like a pancake.

I looked behind me, at the narrow staircase. Being a pancake might be better than what might come pouring out. I looked down again, looking for a way to climb.

A way to survive.

Suddenly I felt something slam against my legs. They crumpled. At first, I thought I'd land on rock and get knocked out. Then I remembered there was no rock in front of me.

I was tumbling through the air, towards the river that meant certain death. 

I was a few feet from pancake mode. I shut my eyes, waiting for the burst of pain that signaled the end of my life, and felt the thump of my body against metal instead. Yeah, it hurt (A DAMN LOT), but it was better than death. I rubbed my chest, already knowing who was in the front seat. I groaned out, "Emma, I told you I don't like your fancy gadgets." I coughed. Emma pulled me into the seat better so I didn't fall off and break my ass. She said, "oh calm down Lulu......i did it because i don't want you to die" she smiled and rolled her eyes. I started laughing, which sounded more like a strangled hyena. "At the moment, can we deal with the fact Randrag nearly ripped my leg off? With his face?" I winced as I adjusted my leg. "And his face is a poisonous snake....." Yes. I just got attacked by a guy with a poisonous snake for a face. Let's move on, shall we? Emma sighed "yeah....that is freaky as fuck......but i would love to dissect one of them" I looked at Emma strangely. "EMMA *POISONOUS* SNAKE I'M GONNA DIE WITHOUT SOME SERIOUS HELP!" Emma closed her eyes "shit.....okay hold on....we should be on the ground in a few minutes" I nodded. "Good. These fucking flying motorcycles scare the shit out of me." "Well......wait until you see what i'm working on now....that is going to be scary" Emma smiled. I groaned, burying my head in my hands.

Emma brought us down for a landing, and I nearly heaved out the window. I was never one for air travel. I prefer being centered, on the ground, thank you very much. But I looked around the area to make sure there were no humans with snake heads waiting, stalking, so they could bite and kill, paralyze or whatever us before swallowing us up like rats. Fun. I groaned. My leg felt like it had been stuffed in a burning hot fire and then stuffed in a -100 freezer.  Emma looked at the ground "so now what" she asked. I groaned. "I need a hospital. Or at least something to slow the poison while we try to find one. I think there's some poison slower in the first aid kit."
"right.......well we could raid a hospital..."
"Okay. First get out the poison slower so I don't die on the way."
As Emma got it out, I blacked out, lost in memories.

Memories of the night it all started.

-Oyih Atlantia here.......i'm writing this blook with Lulu so check her out @LucyBayRisingStar please!!!!!-

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