13 (Part 1)

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Imagine: Being Bruce Wayne's sister and falling for Harley

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Imagine: Being Bruce Wayne's sister and falling for Harley

You didn't mean for it to happen. In fact, you didn't think you would ever fall in love or believe in love at first sight. But when you laid your eyes on Harley, everything changed. You couldn't eat, you couldn't sleep, the only thing on your mind was her. You know that you shouldn't have felt this way, she was your brother's enemy, but you couldn't help it!

This all started when your brother hosted a party; your brother also used this as an excuse to meet someone. Ever since he had found Selina, you had always been a third wheel around the two. The night of the party, you were bored out of your mind. Every person you had talked to bored you out of your mind. You were about to leave when Harley and Poison Ivy crashed the party. You tried to make a run for it when Harley stopped you. She grabbed you by your arm, and when the two of you locked eyes, her face softened.

It was like time stopped, the whole world faded away, and it was just the two of you. You two were leaning in until Ivy shouted, "Harley!" alerting her that it was time to leave. She leaned in and whispered in your ear, "Meet me at the diner Saturday night." She ran to Ivy; when they left, Bruce ran to me. He had a concerned look on his face "(Y/n), are you ok?" I nodded my head, "Yeah, I'm fine." He still looked disturbed, but I reassured him. Now all I was thinking about was Saturday night and her. God, I was screwed if Bruce ever found out.

(Time skip to Saturday night)

I was getting ready; I put on some light makeup and a dress. I tried to make it past Bruce and Alfred, but of course, I never could. "Where are you going?" they both asked. "J-just out with some friends." Bruce gave me a look, "Looking like that," he pointed to the outfit I was wearing. "Yeah, we're all going out to eat." Alfred nodded and walked away; Bruce nodded but still didn't look convinced, "Alright, be careful." I nodded, "I will. Bye!" I made it out of there, hoping Bruce wouldn't follow me. I love him, but he can be very protective! I walked to the diner, walked in, and saw her sitting at a booth waiting for me.

I walked to the booth and sat down, "U-um, hi, Harley." I mentally cursed myself at how stupid I sounded. "Hi doll, my don't you look gorgeous tonight!" She winked at me, and I turned away and felt a blush spread across my face. She grabbed my hand and kissed it, "I'm so glad you came tonight; I was worried you wouldn't show." I looked at her, confused, "Why wouldn't I?" She sighed, "Well, if you haven't heard of my past with Joker, or technically now with Ivy-" I grabbed her hand and stopped her, "I know, but I believe in second chances." She smiled, and I smiled back, we enjoyed the silence between each other, and suddenly her face lit up. "I forgot, I got these for you." She handed me a bouquet of roses, "Oh, Harley, you didn't have to." "But I wanted to." I felt my heart race; I've never felt this way about anyone before. She broke the silence, "So shall we order? I'm starving!" I smiled, "We shall!"

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