the means to her death

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hey guys um okay so this is a continuation of Number 8 also im sorry i Haven't been posting i haven't had the motivation but im going to keep working on it. also it new years so happy new year! um yeah enjoy the story

Vanya POV
I parted ways from my siblings because they were acting like asses. I wander around the house subconsiously. i stop when i reach the library. Im not sure when i got here but i notice that my book is tucked away in the shelves i carefully pull it out "miss Vanya what are you doing" oh pogo you scared me I'm just looking do you know if he ever read it "no I do not believe he ever did" oh thanks I guess

Before I came back from bens bedroom I went into my own of course dad had left a note warning me about huge heist that's gonna always it's my job to stop it. I head out like always with my suit and powers activated. As I get there the bank heist has just begun to finish so I grav what the stole and put it back where it came from and go to fight the four robbers  each come at me from a different angle so I uppercut two and punch one in the stomach and another in the balls. What I didn't know was that the guy I had punched in the stomach. He shot me right after I had sent a ball of hellfire after him. I was now laying on the ground with a bullet in my heart bleeding to my inevitable death. The last thought I had was
I'll get to see Ben again

* 1 week later*

Klauses Pov
I wonder where maddie is? Hey guys have any of you seen maddie? No not since Las week diego say they all agree. I'm gonna go check her room. Huh she's not here "look a note on the wall" ben pointed out oh yeah your right "your next mission stop a huge heist happening at Montreal bank(idk ok)
This is date from before dad died and she hasn't been seen in a week. Oh my God ben shes...dead he said in utter horror. "Well what are you waiting for summon her. You shouldn't have to be sober you were the closest to her" your right

Nobody pov
He tried summoning her 3 times with no luck the next day he was successful though. Mads your here klaus said "where exactly is here?" The kinda land of living I geuss you could say ben chimed in. "BEN" she screamed and ran over and kissed him "I can't wait to be with you now"

Klauses Pov
I'm glad yall had your reunion but we need to go tell the other you died maddie. "Right"she said

Guys I have something I need to tell you... klaus get on with it we don't have all day diego exclaimed it's about maddie and why she's missing...guys she's dead. She was killed in a heist. Five seemed unaffected allison,vanya,diego were all crying

Ben and her lived happily ever after even when they died again

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