Number 8

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On the 12th hour of 1st day of october 1989. 43 women had given birth. This was unsusal seeing as the women were not pregnant when the day began. Reginald hargreeves would later adopt 8 out of 43 of them. Reginald hargreeves was a cold man. With little love in his heart

Instead of giving these children names he gave them numbers.
Number 1 or  luther.
Luther had super strength.
Number 2 or diego hargreeves. Diego could throw a knife and it would land exactly where he wanted.
Number 3 or allison. who later becomes famous. allison could say "i heard a rumor you shot your friend in the foot" and they would.
Number 4 or klaus.  He could contact the dead.
Number 5 well he was just five. It was sad he never chose a name it was sad honestly. Five was one of the cooler siblings he could time travel and spacial jump.
Number 6 or ben he possesed tentacles that came out of his torso.
Number 7 or vanya. She believed. Of course there had to be that person that disturbed it all.
Number 8 or Madeline.  Madeline had the power of illusion. She could convince someone that what she produced was really there. What no one knew is that she had died at hands of her father.


Allison have you heard the news? When was the last time you saw your father or sister? Have you heard from your brothers and sisters? Allison will you wear valentino to the funerals? Allisons assistant comes up and tells her the news. Reginald and Madeline hardgreeves were dead.

As I'm walking out of rehab with a 30 day chip. I walk towards a alleywhere i meet my dealer. he gave me some drugs in exchange for my chip he hands me a bag of drugs and i kiss it. next thing i know...i wake up in an abulance from od'ing. shortly after waking up i hear breaking news on the little tv "moments ago the death of the most excentric and reclusive billionaire along with the illusionist Madeline"
I shoot up no no no not her. We were supposed to live forever together among the wild flowers yes yes your probably like klaus what the hell are you talking about when we're younger me ben and Madeline made a pact and we vowed to live together in the wildflowers for as long as we live


As I'm waking up I feel floaty? I feel light and airy as if I was a walking cloud. I can see someone approaching me "hello I am Zeigler and I have a choice for you" *what the hell where am I?*(her thoughts are italicized) okay...hello Zeigler where am I? "You my dear are in limbo as for that choice you have here is your choice you can stay here until you are summoned by your brother or you can move onto peace but beware if you move onto peace your brother will not be able to summon you" I want to wait to be summoned it shouldn't take long right? Right? "Very well Madeline just beware you may be waiting awhile" and then he vanished


I had just finished playing phantom of the opera on the violin. I was packing up and walking down the street when The tv caught my eye and saw them reporting Madeline and dad's death. All i could maage to say was "dad". I knew i needed to go home. So i got a taxi to take me there. When i walked in the house seemed empty but i walked a little farther in and found mom staring at five's portrait. Soon after I was greeted by allison then diego saying that i dont belong here after all i wrote a book the exposed all the familys secrets. allison mabye hes right i shouldn't be here i'll just go "forget him im glad your here" I wasn't so sure that I was glad I was here I had lost the only sister like figure in my life and if she were here she would be glaring at me for exposing her and bens secret. She would get over it I couldn't believe I would never see her again...


The first thing i do when i get back is go in dads room to see if he was murdered but so far found no signs of anything. Then diego comes and says this "i can save you some time there all locked no forced entry and no sign of struggle. Also nothing out of the ordinary.

Ohhhh you got big luther whats the secret huh? Protien shakes? low carbs?" what do you want diego? "here the autopsy report" diego how did you get this. "well i may or may not have broke into the coroners office... and suprise suprise everything was normal. just boring old heart failure." yeah so what diego? "So why are you in here checking all the windows?" diego were you the first one on the secene. No... pogo found him. diego do you have dads monacle. "no luther why?" Because can you think of a single time when dad wasn't wearing his monacle. No which means someone took it. which means he wasnt alone when he died. "luther there is no mystery here nothing to avenge nothing to solve nothing like that. just a sad old mad who kicked it in a big, empty house. Just like he deserved." Diego leave now. before you regret it "whatever."


Hey ben did you hear about Madeline? "No what happened" she died I'm so sorry "sh- she what... *goes through 12 stages of grief🧍‍♀️*well what are you waiting for summon her you are the seance aren't you" yea yea your right okay lets do this
hey guys i hope you enjoy the first part of my story sorry to leave you on a clifhanger anywho bye!
P.S i hope you like the story so far

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