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"So when did Leah join the pack?" Bella questioned the Black, who was loading his motorcycle into his mechanic garage.

"Around when her dad died. Her brother, Seth, also phased. He's only 15, one of the youngest we've had. Sam keeps him home studying, but he's chomping at the bit. I wish it was Leah who'd stay home," Jake explained.

"Come on, don't be such a guy," Bella complained.

"No, it's not a chick thing. It's, you know, a triangle thing. We all have to live the Leah, Sam, Emily pain-fest. Wolf telepathy, remember?" the werewolf told the Swan.

"So Sam dumps Leah for Emily?" Bella gasped.

"Yeah, it wasn't like that. Sam hates himself for hurting Leah . . . . but Emily was the one," Jake said.

"I guess it sort of chooses you sometimes," Bella tried to relate. Thinking of Edward, she didn't choose to fall in love with a vampire . . . . she just did.

"It's more than some crush, Bella. Sam imprinted on Emily," Jacob uttered, and they made it into the garage.

"Do I even want to know what that is?" Bella joked and waited until Jake had his motorcycle set up for him to start explaining again.

Once he had his bike secured, Jake sighed and began, "Imprinting on someone is like . . . . like when you see her, everything changes. All of a sudden, it's not gravity holding you to the planet. It's her. Nothing else matters. You would do anything, be anything for her. And if she's happy, then you're happy. And if she's upset it . . . . it kills you. You'll do anything to make her happy again. If she tells you something that'll make her happy . . . . you do it. If she tells you to leave, then you'll leave. If she tells you to never speak to her again, then you'll never speak to her again."

"Sounds like you know the feeling," Bella mumbled, and Jacob did everything to avoid her eyes. "Have you . . . . imprinted on someone?" she asked, being worried that it was her and she'd hurt Jake by rejecting him.

The werewolf gulped. He didn't know if Paige wanted Bella to know yet, but he had to say something, so he whispered, "yeah." 

Bella's heart rate increased rapidly, her anxiety growing. Jake noticed her distressed state and shook his head, "no, you'd know if I had."

Bella's nerves settled down a bit. "Who?" she inquired.

Jake gulped again, then muttered, "Paige." Bella froze on the spot, and her eyes widened.

"What?" she exhaled, and Jacob licked his chapped lips, looking down at his bike. He moved his gaze back up and sighed. 

"I love her, Bella."


After his fight with Bella about her transformation after graduation, Jake went to go pick up Paige. When he got there, Paige was waiting for him patiently. Bella's friends had teased her when she told them she was waiting for a friend because they thought she only had the two Miller's as friends.

But she couldn't help but shake her head when Jessica and Angela gawked at her imprint, who had arrived a little late. The group of friends all looked stunned when the mystery guy drove up to Paige. "You're late," Paige scolded him, and Jake shrugged as Paige hopped behind him. She put on his helmet and wrapped her arms around his waist. As Jacob drove out of the school parking lot, Paige made sure to flip off Bella's friends.

A 20-minute drive later, the two imprints arrived outside Emily's house. Jake parked the motorcycle and sighed. "What's wrong? You've been quiet this whole time," Paige asked tenderly and removed the helmet from her head, placing it in Jake's lap.

"Okay, please don't be mad at me," Jacob pleaded.

"What happened?" Paige questioned, more eager.

"I told Bella about us," he blurted out, and Paige raised an eyebrow at her imprint.

"Oh. Was she okay with it?" the Claymore interrogated.

"I mean, she was shocked once she found out I imprinted on you and that I love you. But she seemed okay with it. Are you sure you're not mad at me?" the short-haired boy repeated, and Paige giggled.

"Why would I be mad at you? She was bound to find out soon since our relationship is getting more serious, so it's okay. And if she can't except us, then she can go to hell along with the Cullens," the girl said, and they both laughed. Paige pecked her imprint's lips before dragging him off his bike and walking into Emily's house, being greeted by Seth, who was doing homework.

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