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Paige had watched the entire thing from behind a tree. Riley and Victoria's appearance, Seth ripping Riley's hand off, even Edward pushing over a tree. All for Bella. It made her jealous, but she knew she couldn't just stand there while Victoria and Riley were about to kill Edward. She needed revenge for her father, and she was about to get it.

Bella rummaged around for a rock and cut her arm, remembering the third wife's sacrifice in the Quillet legend. The two vampires shot up in interest and stared at the blood seeping out of Bella's arm.

Paige took this chance to lunge at Victoria while Edward fought off Riley. Bella gasped at the presence of her sister, who she thought had run away. Paige bit at Victoria's shoulder and flung her into a tree.

Victoria rebounded and charged at Bella. Paige and Edward tackled the vampire into the snow. Paige kept nipping at the redhead's neck, trying to detach it. Edward lurched Victoria up while Paige ripped one of her arms from her body, causing her to howl in pain. Edward finished her off with a bit into her neck.

The Cullen dropped Victoria to the ground, her head now torn from her body, and grunted. Paige snarled at the deceased vampire while Edward walked over to Bella and tore part of her flannel. He wrapped it around her cut and sighed.

Seth returned and growled at Edward. "Something is wrong," Bella accused.

"Alice needs us to go. Now," Edward announced and pulled out a lighter, throwing it on Victoria sending her into flames.


When the couple and two wolves rushed onto the battlefield, they saw the Cullens admiring a burning pile of newborns. Seth and Paige phased back and followed Edward and Bella.

"How long?" Edward asked.

"A few minutes. Maybe 10?" Alice guessed.

"The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves," Carlisle stated. A newborn emerged from behind some rocks, and the first to notice was Leah. She pounced despite Edward's warning.

The newborn wrapped its arms around the white werewolf as it struggled to fight. Jake cut in and tackled the newborn back, letting Leah stumble up. The two rolled around with the vampire getting the upper hand. It ended with him breaking Jake's bones who let out a cry. 

Jacob fell to the ground while the other pack members took care of the newborn. The Black boy returned to human form and groaned in pain. "Jacob!" Bella and Paige cried and ran over to the fragile werewolf.

"Jacob. Hold on. Carlisle's gonna take care of you," Edward said as Jake went onto his side.

"The bones on the right half of his body are shattered," Carlisle examined. Bella and Paige made it over to Jake and fell to his side.

"Paige," Jacob grunted and looked at his imprint, not even acknowledging Bella.

Paige ran a hand through his hair and smiled softly, trying not to panic. "It'll be okay, Jake. I promise, okay?" she whispered, and Jake nodded with a moan. The rest of the Uley pack, along with the Montana wolves, raced over, now humans and clothed.

"Jacob, you idiot, I had it!" Leah screeched.

"Leah!" Sam scolded and knelt next to Carlisle.

"I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting," Carlisle said, moving Jake's arm to feel his bones.

"We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna win a fight with the Volturi," Edward declared.

"We'll take him back to Billy's," Sam added.

"I'll be there soon as I can," Carlisle said. The Uley pack huddled around Jake and lifted him off the ground while he winced in pain.

"It's okay. We got you. We got you," Paul mumbled.  Paige looked at the Anderson wolves and signaled to follow.


Bella's pickup truck drove into sight an hour later at the Black house. "Hey --" she was cut off by another one of Jacob's screams. Paige gripped Chloe's and Ryland's hands tighter. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"It's been going on for a while," Quil gloomed.

"Doc's re-breaking his bones," Embry continued.

"Why did he have to butt in? I could've taken that tick," Leah complained.

"Give it a rest, Leah," Paige snapped, and Leah glared at her. Carlisle then opened the door with Sam following, and everyone perked up.

"The worst is over. He'll be all right. I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip," at Carlisle's words, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," Billy cut in, and Carlisle turned to him. The vampire nodded with a small grin then looked at Paige.

"He's asking for you," Paige wasted no time to run inside. She went to Jake's room and saw him lying across his bed with bandages on his arm and chest. He was drenched in sweat, and a blanket was thrown over the lower half of his body. His chest was heaving up and down because of how hard he was panting.

The blonde was hesitant to sit next to him but eventually did. "Hey," Jake exhaled.

"Hey," Paige whimpered.

"I was worried about you," Jacob purred.

Paige scoffed and licked her lips, trying not to cry. "You were worried about me?" Jake nodded weakly and chuckled.

Paige sniffed and played with his wet hair, tears glossing her eyes. "Don't cry, Paige. I'll be fine," Jake tried to soothe, but his voice was too strayed to sound comforting.

"I know," - Paige let out a sob - "I can sense him, Jake," she wept and let a tear fall down her face. 

"Who?" Jacob questioned.

"Who do you think? Kaimbe found me, and I can't even stay to see you heal or attend Bella's wedding and --"

Jake interrupted her with a shush. "How are you so sure he's here?"

"Because I led him here," - Jake gave her a puzzled look, and Paige gulped - "I knew he would find out where all my friends went. But I took that risk to help you guys and defeat the army so --" she stopped herself when she saw her imprint's reaction.

"You -- you sacrificed your life so we could have some extra wolves? Paige, you're an idiot!" Jake cried, now having tears making rivers on his face.

"I was just trying to help," Paige whispered.

"I can't live without you, Paige. I just can't," Jacob sobbed, which sent a pain through his chest. The girl bit her lip before kissing his moist lips passionately. The hunger was unimaginable, and minus how painful it was for Jake, it was the best kiss they had ever shared.

"You're gonna have to," Paige huffed. "Because he's here."

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