OMG rofl what do I like do now ?!!!111 FullChicken44 wit capitals on Full and Chikeb and nsha Grer are both herrrreee!!!!!!1!!1!!!!
I like SOOO want 2 sleep wit both of them! But now they are both here nd they mite fight with eachother, OMG THAT WOULD BE SOOO CUTE!i like just started year 7 and already there will be guys fiteing over me!!! OLOLOLOLOLOKOLOLOL ROLFMAO
LOL eat my shit you all.
iiiinspiraitionel everyone. you can have boyysss hot boys fite over you in year 7! XD XD LOLOOOLOLLOL
so anyway! lol! tey have arrived at my hose. and lol they both see each other. andso
Nash: "omg who tf are you? you magooity chicken who's raw and dumb and greasy. go home and put on sum pimple cream lololol"
FullChicken44: "hey who are you??? im here to pick up elsaa lol. are you like stalking her?! omg lol you loser arse bumhead go pu a shirt on.
Nash: "lol yu arent wearing a shirt either"
FullChicken44: "that's bc IM ChiICKEN dumb bum!!!!"
then they start to fite.
LOL ROFL i yell at them!! "ifo rgot you were both comming here! lol! "
Them nash grier is covered in grease frm raw chicken raw chicken grease and there are hles in FullChicken44 and he is bleeding stuffing. i think its rosemary stuffing bc it smells like it. and nash has bruises all over him...
then they stop and lok behind me.
anna is standing there.
"whawhta is going onnnnn"""??? here???!!!!111!!!!!!" she yells
FullChicken44 yells " LOKKKK ! ! 1 !! another girl! ok choose who we wanna date
anna : "but lol im like in year 5"
Nash : "lol i pick elssa i met hr fist so tbh shes mine!!??"
FullChicken44: "no lol i pick else111!!!"
elsa brocken heart ~
Fanfictionthus is ma firts storey and i hop u leik it becuz i put a alot of effort intoo thus and im really proud of it. it full of tha drama and sass. vry heratfill. Signing off, FullChicken44 Love you my frappes~~~~~~