paurt too

175 13 1

Elsas POV>>>>

omg he like totally spoke 2 me and it waz liek we conneted. love at fist sight.

i sat next 2 him and blushed uncontrollaly. he touched my thigh and said

"i like your messy hair. its sou hawt. ur sou hot"

"omg lol thankyou thats so kind of you i like want to sleep with you write now"

"ahahaha ofmg kk i pick u up at 7?'

"yeh kk omg lol"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>laterrr at scool<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

i arrived at schhoool and walked into ma lass. uncontrollably, nash waz not in my class. bt when i walked in something, no some one cught my eye sockets. it was beauiful. he was so eggegant. he had a six pck anf his skin was so raw and greasy with his bony legs. oh how this raw chicken made me feel so warm and wet like starbucks in the inisde. 

i went to sat down but rhe only seat opun was next to the raw chicken guy. hes so hot i hope hes not gay. omg rofl lol lamo

"hi im elsa" i sai to his raw and meaty face (9although he had no face cuz he a chicken heheheh)

" haai im FullChicken44, thats one word and caps for full and chicken if you dont rememebr that i kill you"

"omg roflamo, kk, how many heart beats to ppl normally have a day?"

"aw shit man idfk like 44??"

"yes, and you just made mien skip a beat. omg rofl"

"hehehhehehe that wuz the funniest jok i ever herd"

" haahaha kk" i say

"  hey you wanna sleep together 2night?"

"yeh sure lol"

" kk lol i pi uou up at 7" 

"kk lol"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>l8er thus evenung at 6:30<<<<<<<<<<<

"errrrmahgerd i cant wait for FullChicken44 to get hear i wanna seep with him sou bag"

** beeep eep**

"omg hes Herererer ahahahhahaah omg lol im get laid'

im walk out side and to ma realisaiojn it was nash freir!?!?!??!?. oh yeah thats rigt i waz gonna sleep with him omg. 

*beep beep*

Omg what do i do they boh r here and i wanna slept wif them both but leik what do i dou omgggggggg

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>athours note:

OKKKKKKOKOKOKK kk this is such a cliff hanger i know and omg im so excirted WHATS GONNA HAPPEEN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? find out in net chapeter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ haha lol


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