the sweet scent

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(Inspired by Diabolik Lovers)

A normal day in the academy,vampires and humans go to their respective buildings,they were walking into the school gates until a vampire smelled a sweet strong scent coming from the other side,a human's blood...

Jinsoul POV:
"Hey! Do y'all smell that?" I ask the rest of my friends "smell wha-" Hyunjin who was cut off by the same scent of blood flooding into her nose,"dang... That's coming from the other side,I'm getting hungry!" Hyunjin cheered as her hunger adds on.

[Time skip into class of vampires]

"Hey,guess what?" Jinsoul excitedly said as she sat down and tap on her friends shoulder,"what" a tall girl with broad shoulders and extremely cold stare,the most feared among humans,even though she may not be the most powerful just her gaze could trap you and take your breath away. "Geez Olivia,why those eyes" Jinsoul complaints as she felt like she got struck by lightning inside her,"Shut the fuck up,this is how my eyes are,as of yours aren't, we're all dead anyways we don't have any life in our eyes" Olivia shoots back,"whatever,but guess what,me and Hyunjin here smelled a strong sweet scent,coming from a human,should we take her with us?" Jinsoul goes back to the topic,"sweet scent you say? Definitely!" Olivia gets excited,her Jinsoul,Hyunjin and their other friend Haseul weren't paying attention in class anymore instead talking about that sweet scent...

[Time skip to lunch]

As a shorter vampire was heading to the back of the school to smoke her cigarette,a small little human walks pass her,the human didn't notice Heejin because she was busy with her phone,just then Heejin smelled a strong sweet scent,she kept her eyes on the girl as she walks away,out of Heejin's sight,Heejin stopped smoking and rush back to her friend who was instead eating a lollipop.

"Yo Yerim! I saw this small human walk pass me and damn,her blood smelled so sweet" Heejin jumps on her friend,"really?! That's great,let's go get the rest and tell them this good news" Yerim (Choerry btw) smiled as she grabs Heejin's wrist and rushes to tell the rest of her friends

[Time skip to after school]

Yerim and Heejin called a few of their friends,Jungeun (kimlip),Jiwoo,Yves or Sooyoung,Jinsoul and Hyunjin,they were talking about the girl Heejin passed by and Jinsoul pointed out she smelled the same exact scent,Hyunjin nodded,just then a girl with squeaky voice popped up,"hey guys what's up","oh hey Chae nothing we're just taking about the girl-" before Yerim could even finish,Chaewon(Go Won) cut her off "the sweet one,right? The girl with sweet scent","yeah but how'd you know","we're vamps remember,we can read minds"

[Time skip to the girls mansion,where they plan to kidnap the girl]


After I took a warm relaxing shower I put on some sweat pants and hoodie,I was doing my homework until I heard a knock on the door,after the three hard loud and long knocks,a dash of cold wind blew into my room window which I never knew open,I went downstairs to the door and opened it but the strange thing is,I put up a sign on the other side of my door that says that no one's home and if my friends were to come over they would call me,that's when I knew I opened my door to a complete stranger...

The stranger was tall,big and had a dark aura,I was about to open my mouth when the stranger grabbed and covered my mouth,they're hands were cold,even though they had they're hands in their pocket all along,the thing is once they're hand covered my mouth,I immediately passed out...

After that,I woke up in a huge room, on the spacious couch,in the dim room,I could see a figure sitting by the corner,I called out with my voice,shaking.

"H-hello?" The figure stood up and came into the bit of light that was in the room, I recognize the figure, it was the same person that kidnapped me at my house, the person then took they're hood off revealing a familiar face,a face from the most hated and feared vampire in school,Son Hyejoo,widely and mostly known as Olivia,without thinking I stand up and ran out the room

As I was running I bumped into someone,I look up to see another tall and big person,the person went closer and kneeled down to me,I know her,it isn't Olivia but Jinsoul,the most flirtatious vampire in school,I move back but as I do my back hit something,it isn't the wall but a person's leg, there she was,Olivia chasing me again

I look to my sides to see three more vampires,Heejin,Hyunjin and Sooyoung,at this point I was trapped for good,I was spinning around trying to find a space to run out from,but there wasn't any because they all keep coming closer,I eyed one of them but as I did,I felt something wrap around my neck,it wasn't cold like their hands but it was heavy,too heavy I couldn't stand the weight and flopped on the ground

I found a mirror and to see there's a collar,and a leash attached to it,but the leash was floating as if an invisible person was holding,I realised that there's vampires with me,and they didn't have reflection...

"Oh what do we have here?" A deep voice said,Heejin the troublemaker player she was the one holding my leash,as she was holding it she was tugging on it a bit which was annoying,as soon as I was about to speak, someone else did

"Stand up and follow us, don't try anything funny" Sooyoung's stern plane voice echos the dark hallway, there's no chance of getting away so I did as she said,as we were walking out the hallway and up the stairs, suddenly a hand wrapped around my waist,giving me chills,but as I was ordered.

I shouldn't look around and only straight ahead so I did,I had no clue who was doing what,then after all the walking I was lead into a room,I walked into the room and it was dark and very cold,I could hear whispers and chains dangling,whips hitting and slashing,snicker laughs,the lights flashed on,it was once again dim so I could hardly see,I could only see silhouettes.

I was having to much on my mind my leash got pulled forward as I was also pushed from the back,then a hand wrapped around my mouth,another hand pulling me up and sitting me down on a chair,the hand was still hovering above my mouth when it suddenly slid a finger in making me gasp,"suck it" a soft but husky voice said,I felt chills as the person licked my ear,blowing and whispering into it...

I turned my head away and try to get up but I was stuck onto the chair,I couldn't move,as if my body was paralyzed,"I said suck it" the voice said again,so I did,I was sucking on it until I felt the person biting my ear,hard,the person finally got their finger out of my mouth,the lights turned on a bit brighter,bright enough for me to see everyone and everything in the room,I can see 6 girls,6 vampires in the room sorrounding me I couldn't move my head so I couldn't see the person who made me suck on their finger.

I then felt a hand lingering on my collar bone,I wasn't wearing my hoodie and sweats anymore,in stead I was in this dark red silky long sleeve button up,no pants at all,it was just my panty,then the hand slide on to my shoulders and pushing me off the chair,I immediately covered myself...

Part 2 coming up my gays...

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