A Night Out

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By: GandalfofspaceAnli

Awfully lonely, that's how I have been feeling for the past few centuries. Then again, when you are a five hundred and fifty-one-year-old vampire living all by herself, that is not surprising. Right?

Now, you could argue that if I am so lonely, I should make friends; it's not like the population of the world is dwindling, but it has always felt like a very daunting prospect, for I have always been antisocial and awkward.

This year, however, I have decided to change that. I have gathered my courage and have decided to try and make a friend.

As the evening draws closer, I transform myself from a vegan vampire to a lovable, fluffy carrot eater and hop to the garage.

Seating myself behind the steering proves to be difficult; my tail digs into my lower back.

Was dressing like a bunny a good option?

Ignoring the discomfort, I start the car and hit the road.

Unfortunately, a few minutes into the drive, my car betrays me by stopping abruptly in the middle of the road!

Cursing, I call the services and wait to be rescued.

That is when another unfortunate thing happens: my stomach grumbles. I belatedly realize that in my excitement and anticipation to make friends (or at least one friend), I had skipped dinner.

Sighing heavily, I look around to see if I could get lucky before help arrives and spot something moving in the woods next to the road. Without losing time, I dash towards it; reducing distance, I pounce on it.

Without waiting to observe my kill, I sink my fangs into it; the animal stops moving.

"RIP, dear one," I mutter under my breath. Leaning away, I caress the once white and fluffy but now red and matted fur behind the dead rabbit's ear.

I am still contemplating on whether or not to bury it when I hear the sound of an approaching vehicle. I abandon the poor dead animal and sprint towards my car, just in time to see a young man with dark eyes and an Adonis-like body get out of the vehicle.

"Car trouble?" he asks, approaching me without hesitation.

I nod; he gives me a toothy grin. His eyes fall on my lips and linger. It is at this precise moment that I realize that I had forgotten to wipe my mouth after the bloody deed.

I am cursed, aren't I? 

I think of ways to excuse myself without rousing suspicion, but before I can come up with a believable explanation, he steps closer and swipes his thumb over my lips. He smirks. "Very realistic. What are you supposed to be, a killer rabbit?"

Thank Devil, it's Halloween!

I smile seductively. "I am a vampire rabbit."

He chuckles and winks. My hopes raised, I tell myself that it's now or not for another few centuries; crossing my fingers, I hesitantly enquire, "Are you open to being friends with a vampire?"

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