Chapter 2~College

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My first year of college was nothing like I expected. Still trying to live in the mind-frame of following what society said, I went in looking for love. I specifically went to a college full of black people with the hopes of finally finding the love that I had been searching for all my life. Yeah, I met a couple of potential boyfriends but for some reason I never really connected with them, you know?

Second semester of my first year is when it all began. I finally was assigned my advisor for my area of study and I had to meet with her that first day...

Mrs. Moore? I finally stuttered out after being waved in by the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She stood 5'9", long black hair that reached her bra strap and gracefully flowed over the curve of her breasts. I couldn't take my eyes of the softly curled tips of her hair, which actually looked as if I were staring at her breasts. And honestly I wasn't...not at that moment at least. Shocked into silence, I just stared at her like I was a mute.

With the whitest smile she said, yes, and you are? , pulling me out of my trance and making me stare at those sexy ass lips.

Well, at least have a seat. She said, waving behind her desk and I swear I've never in my life noticed a woman's body but that ass! Damn, that ass made my knees buckle. Luckily I made it to the chair in front of her desk before it captured me, because if I didn't I would have definitely hit the floor.

So miss lady, what can I do for you? She said with a voice that could make the Sahara desert wet.

Ummm-I...I.... Damn it, what in the hell is happening to me? Get yourself together because you look like an idiot! Clearing my throat, which was now dry as that damn desert, I was finally able to get out I think you're advisor.

Okay, and what's your name?

Shit my name! Umm umm...Tori! Finally I remembered! Victoria Franklin.

Giggles, So Miss Franklin, I assume your a psychology major since you're with me?

God that laugh is the sexiest thing I've ever heard! Why am I being tortured??? Yes ma'am.

Well tell me a little about yourself Victoria.

Not much to tell...I'm just me.

Laughs. Well me, what is it that you're here for?

Okay, I must be slow because I don't know what she's asking me. Well I like to read and sleep and I'm here to get a degree. My grandmother is sick and I'm taking care of her and I want to show her I'm going to make something of myself before she leaves me.

Faintly she says, That's a lot of responsibility for someone so young. Do you have other family that helps?

Not really. I mean I have family but they don't help. It's not bad though, it's always just been me and grandma. I tell her in hopes that she won't worry. Wait, what do I care if she worries? I don't even know this lady!

That's still a lot. What about your parents?

Okay...this is not what I thought this was going to be like. I thought you were supposed to be advising me.

Right. Well I like to get to know my people a little so that I can best help you. She says with that smile and I want to tell her my whole life story. Well not really...not that part at least.

After getting my schedule, I make my way to my first class of the day. I went in and took the seat farthest to the left in the back, wondering why I agreed to taking a class that started today. Fussing at myself as everyone piled in choosing their seat for the class, I look up and for the second time today, realized I was once again graced with the privilege of laying eyes on another one of the most beautiful women in the world. Today must be my lucky day! Not knowing why, I wished that this beauty would sit next to me and just maybe, a friendship would blossom. But unfortunately she walked out...I just can't win today!!

It was just about time for class to start and I got a little salty realizing this beautiful girl was not coming back. Oh well, I guess I don't need another friend anyway.

Good afternoon everyone! Welcome to Criminology 101 and I'm your instructor Ms. Anders.

Fuck my life! The gorgeous girl from earlier is my professor!!! What did I do to deserve this???

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