~ ONE ~

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Groaning could be heard from underneath the covers before a slender hand reaches out to grasp the loudly ringing phone.

"Whoever this is better have a good ass explanation on why I'm awake", growled Elena. 

"Is that how you greet your older brother, Elena" an amused Dominic said.

Jerking up from her bed she yells out "Dom! Oh my God, what's up, you usually never call this early?" 

"I was wondering if you would be up a visit Rio, we got a job that'll set everyone for life. We need your skills with guns and we might need the extra backup"

Scoffing she says "Of course I'll come. Should I bring everything?"

"Yeah, that would be best."

"Alright, I'll head for the next plane to Rio. I love you Dom I'll see you in a few hours. Tell Mia I love her too please."

"Love you too lil' sis, see you soon."

And with that being said I quickly get up and start preparing to leave my safe house in London. Buying my plane ticket and packing all of the necessities. Making sure that my car will be there by the time my flight lands and making sure that all of my weapons are safely stored in my bags I start heading to the airport. Boarding the plane I prep for an 11-hour flight and falls asleep.

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